A Dental Bridge Can Restore Your Full Smile

Are you living without your complete smile? The changes brought on by tooth loss can be hard to ignore. Even if it is difficult for people to see that you have a tooth missing, you can feel frustrated by the effect that this problem has on your ability to bite and chew. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is ready to meet with you and talk about prosthetic treatment. With a custom dental bridge, we can close a gap with a permanent restoration that holds up against years of pressure from biting and chewing. This work can occur without oral surgery, making it more accessible as care than you might realize. (more…)

Hiding Smile Flaws With Porcelain Veneers

Are you tired of revealing flaws like dental discoloration, enamel damage, or other issues whenever you smile or speak? Without the right procedure, these issues can remain visible, and they can continue to affect how others see you and interact with you. Fortunately, you can do something about these problems. By talking to your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office about treatment options, you can learn about the positive impact that cosmetic services can have. For example, you can permanently cover flawed teeth with porcelain veneers. These durable restorations can cover up issues with discoloration, problems with wear and tear, issues with tooth shape and size, and even concerns about alignment. (more…)

Deciding On A Cosmetic Dental Procedure

You have felt let down by your appearance in a picture one too many time. You feel as though you are not able to project confidence in social or professional situations. You just want to see the smile you remember showing off when you were younger once again. Your reasons for looking into cosmetic dental work are your own. When you explore your options for treatment, you can discover that you are closer to your ideal appearance than you realize! Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is happy to help you explore what services are available, and what you can do to feel more confident in how you look. (more…)

Restoring Your Smile With A Same-Day Crown

What will it take to fully restore your tooth if you have a cavity that is too severe for a dental filling, or when your tooth is physically injured? In these situations, we will have to use dental crowns to take care of our patients. The good news is that at our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can actually provide these restorations in less time than you expect. All we require is a single appointment to provide a CEREC crown. In addition to being convenient, treatment with these restorations can produce results that preserve your smile. (more…)

Should I Start Invisalign Treatment?

If you feel bothered by the alignment of your teeth, or if you wish to correct visible gaps or overlaps between them, you can look for alternatives to traditional metal braces. With Invisalign appliances, you can adjust your smile and discreetly correct problems that hurt your smile and oral health. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, patients who are interested in corrective work can learn that their procedure is able to resolve trouble with more than just their appearance. Through treatment, we can also help you deal with bite issues and oral hygiene concerns that are linked to malocclusion.

Book A Convenient Tooth Bonding Treatment

There are several cosmetic services available to patients who want to change how they look, but it can be difficult for you to know when one is right for you. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can discuss your concerns and interests in treatment, which can help us recommend the right service. One treatment that appeals to many is tooth bonding treatment, a conservative procedure that can change the shape, size, and color of any tooth that hurts the quality of your smile. We can respond to several different concerns in this way, and we can have the results you want ready for you in just a single appointment! (more…)

What Does It Take To Fully Treat A Cavity?

Any time you have a problem with your dental health, you should look for treatment that can provide lasting support. When it comes to healing after an injury or cavity, our teeth are unfortunately limited. These issues can lead to permanent damage to your enamel, something that your dentist will have to address. Fortunately, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can take care of you in this situation. In addition to providing prompt care, we can make sure that your smile does not appear changed after your care is finished! In addition to providing lifelike fillings, we use CEREC technology to place lifelike dental crowns that are prepared for our patients in just one appointment. (more…)

Responding To A Patient’s TMJ Problems

An untreated problem with your jaw movement or alignment can lead to worsening discomfort, something that can build until you struggle to make it through the day without a worrying degree of pain and joint stiffness. In time, a problem with TMJ disorder can also lead to the start of chronic headaches, and it may be the reason why you grind your teeth while you sleep. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is here to help if this is an issue that is interfering with your quality of life. A custom oral appliance can bring relief by addressing the issues you have with poor joint alignment and movement. (more…)

Will I Need To Replace An Older Filling?

There will not be a time when you no longer need a dental filling or dental crown to protect your tooth. When problems like dental decay affect us, the damage they cause is permanent. Fortunately, the restorations provided at our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office are lifelike as well as durable. It is important to remember that these restorations, like your teeth, can wear down over time, and they can be damaged. If you have a problem with a broken, loose, or lost filling, or if you have a restoration that no longer feels comfortable, let us know. We can evaluate it and determine how we can make sure your tooth stays protected. (more…)

Will Whitening Treatment Fit In My Schedule?

Your goal can be to have whiter teeth, but it may seem out of reach if you have a busy or unpredictable schedule. While store bought whitening agents are available, they can produce limited results. You can talk to your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office about treatment, but you may worry that you will simply not have time for whatever treatment approach they recommend. However, when you ask, you can find that this cosmetic service can be more convenient than you thought possible, as you can actually choose between in-office care and treatment with a customized kit at your convenience.  (more…)