Choosing Your Preferred Approach To Fighting Teeth Stains

If you have already tried to fight teeth stains on your own, you can be familiar with the frustration that people feel when they try to brighten their smile without help. Even though you have access to store bought whitening agents and whitening toothpastes, it can be difficult to see meaningful changes to the way you look. This may be because you have deeper, more serious stains that require a professional whitening treatment. However, it could also be because you are dealing with discoloration caused by something other than stains! At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can help you fight discoloration effectively and show off a brighter, better-looking smile. (more…)

How Tooth Bonding Treatments Resolve Smile Concerns

Even if the problem is isolated to a single tooth, it can be embarrassing to have a conspicuous dental flaw affect your smile. While these problems can sometimes stem from past dental injuries that went untreated, they can also be the result of naturally occurring flaws related to tooth shape and size. One option for treatment offered by your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is a tooth bonding procedure. This procedure can produce results in surprisingly little time – you may have the results you want after just one visit! This is one of many cosmetic dental services that we can provide. After finding the right treatment and undergoing care, you can be delighted at how your smile improves!

Learning What Invisalign Can Do To Improve Your Smile

If your teeth are not spaced properly, it can be embarrassing to show off your smile. This can be because your malocclusion issues affect your smile symmetry, or because visible gaps or overlaps between teeth make you feel self-conscious. Fortunately, a cosmetic dental procedure can discreetly move your teeth and improve the way you look. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office offers Invisalign treatments to patients who want to do something about poor smile alignment. With your Invisalign aligners, you can correct problems with gaps and overlaps so that they no longer hurt your appearance. This procedure offers a welcome solution to malocclusion, one that does not require conspicuous metal braces. (more…)

The Long-Term Value Of Better Brushing Habits

How long has it been since you last had to deal with a cavity, or since your dentist warned you about symptoms of gingivitis? With good daily habits and regular appearances for routine dental care, you can keep your risk for oral health issues low. One thing to watch out for is a growing comfort with your daily routine, something that can make a person less attentive to how they are caring for their smile. Seemingly small problems with your brushing routine can lead to tartar buildup, and that can make you more likely to need a dental filling or dental crown at a future appointment! If you have struggled with maintaining your oral health but feel unsure of why, your Sheridan, WY dentist can help you identify shortcomings that you should address. (more…)

We Can Address Cold Sores And Other Embarrassing Issues

Your confidence in your smile can change in seemingly no time at all. While some problems, like the buildup of teeth stains, can worsen gradually, some issues can lead to unexpected challenges and concerns. For example, you can be embarrassed by the eruption of a cold sore that makes you look unhealthy and less attractive. You can also find yourself in need of cosmetic dental work after chipping or cracking a tooth, leading to an undesirable smile change. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can help you show off a happier, more confident smile by taking on these different issues. We can also provide the appropriate care when an oral health issue also impacts your appearance. (more…)

Reviewing The Benefits Of Receiving A Dental Bridge

How long should you put up with difficulties associated with an incomplete smile? Tooth loss can cause many negative consequences, and those consequences can actually worsen in time if you do not address this problem. Fortunately, trouble with tooth loss can be permanently addressed with a dental bridge, a lifelike restorations that can be secured without oral surgery. Our Sheridan, WY dental office can meet with you to discuss the benefits of treatment with a dental bridge. In addition to making your smile complete again, this restoration can positively change your bite function by providing support you lost when your tooth was lost or extracted. (more…)

We Can Shorten Your Treatment Time With A Same-Day Crown

To ensure that a dental crown is comfortable, secure, and capable of staying in place to provide long-term support, it needs to be custom-made for the tooth being restored. At many dental offices, the crown itself is produced in a third party lab based on measurements taken at the practice. This arrangement prolongs the time you have to wait to have your tooth fully restored. The good news is that our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can actually make your crown in-house, which means we do not have to wait for it to arrive. Through the use of CEREC technology, we can provide dental crowns in just one appointment. In addition to making your crown the right shape and size for your tooth, we can produce the restoration so that it imitates the appearance of your healthy enamel. (more…)

3 Tips That Can Lead To Better Cavity Prevention

It seems safe to assume that no one who goes to see their dentist wants to hear that they have a cavity. Unfortunately, many routine dental visits will lead to the detection and treatment of tooth decay. While our Sheridan, WY dental office is prepared to help when our patients need restorative work because of cavities, we also offer general dental services that help reduce your risk for oral health problems. When you combine regular dental appointments with better habits at home, you become less likely to need a dental filling or dental crown at a future appointment! While cavity-related care is certainly important, we should note that patients also benefit from routine services because they can lead to the detection and treatment of other issues, like TMJ disorder. (more…)

Why Should I Rely On A Dental Implant To Hold A Restoration?

Tooth loss is not a problem to take lightly. More than just a cosmetic concern, the loss of a tooth can change your bite function, make you more vulnerable to further losses, and create long-term concerns about your oral health. The good news is that a permanent dental prosthetic can put your worries around tooth loss behind you. At our Sheridan, WY dental office, we can talk with you about using a dental restoration held in place with a dental implant to replace your missing tooth. By pursuing this approach, we can give you a lasting replacement for your lost tooth, one that leads to better bite support, more confidence in your smile, and even better support for your jawbone. (more…)

How A Custom Appliance Responds To TMJ Problems

People begin to experience problems with TMJ disorder for different reasons. One patient may come to our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office for help because an injury interfered with their joint alignment and caused persistent bite problems. Another person with TMJ pains may need help with bite problems caused by poor dental alignment. While this is an issue that can have several causes, treatment will call for easing joint and muscle tension by addressing poor alignment between the joints. At our practice, we can give you a custom oral appliance that eases tension by correcting your jaw’s position. If necessary, we can discuss other services that can improve your bite function and reduce chronic tension on your joints and muscles. (more…)