When you undergo cosmetic dental work, you can understandably expect to see results. However, you may be surprised by just how much improvement you see, particularly when you limit the overall changes to your tooth structure. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help patients who are interested in how they can improve how they look. With a dental bonding procedure, we can target flaws with an approach to care that will not require any permanent restorations. Instead, we will use a composite material to cover issues with tooth shape and size, discoloration, or damage. The end result can be a more symmetrical and attractive smile! (more…)
Benefiting From Laser Cold Sore Treatment
While they can eventually heal on their own, cold sores can prove frustrating for as long as they are present. Upon erupting, they can be painful as well as a potential infection risk, and they can certainly draw unwanted attention. Even when no sore is present, you can find yourself feeling uneasy about when the next one will form. What you should know is that there is a treatment offered by your Sheridan, WY dentist that can help you. By using laser technology to tend to your sore, we can stop its growth, speed up your recovery, and help you avoid any potential complications. By targeting the virus responsible, we can even keep a new sore from erupting in that same area! (more…)
Information For People Who Live With Jaw Pain
Do you currently live with recurring jaw pain? When this discomfort is caused by TMJ disorder, it can become a persistent and worrying issue. Unfortunately, you can experience more than just discomfort in the jaw, as this problem can also lead to issues with headaches, limited bite movement, facial discomfort, and problems with neck and shoulder pain. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can offer support by helping you correct an imbalance in the joints. Through TMJ therapy, we can provide relief from tension and pain, encourage better bite movement, and help free you from ongoing discomfort! (more…)
Effective Coverage For Cracked Enamel
A cracked tooth may be more than just a cosmetic issue. You may not have immediate issues, but that damage can leave you with less protection, which means more harm can come to your enamel as you continue to put pressure on it by biting and chewing. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can recommend different services to resolve problems with cracked enamel. For those who only require cosmetic treatment, we can help you understand the benefits of a dental bonding procedure or porcelain veneers. If you need to do something about a more significant injury, we can use a same-day dental crown to preserve and protect the tooth. (more…)
Do Metal-Free Fillings Offer Bite Support?
If you have to undergo treatment for a cavity, you can be relieved to know that care that preserves your appearance is available. While this can be a relief for many, some individuals may worry that this will mean that they are not able to put bite pressure on their tooth without jeopardizing their restoration. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we can offer lifelike dental fillings and dental crowns that provide functional and cosmetic benefits. When you have a dental filling placed, you can count on it to protect your enamel while also supporting the health and stability of your tooth. (more…)
Placing Your Custom CEREC Crown
When we take care of a patient’s smile, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office will look for the most conservative treatment solution that can provide lasting value. In some cases, this can mean providing a dental filling or cosmetic procedure, but there are issues with your health and appearance that require dental crowns. Fortunately, we use CEREC technology to provide these restorations. What this does is make the process of caring for a tooth more convenient, as we can complete this work in as little as one appointment! You can enjoy this convenience, and you can also feel confident in the results of treatment, as your crown can closely match your natural enamel. (more…)
We Can Help When Stains Dull Your Enamel
If you take care of your smile consistently, you can avoid problems with tooth decay and gum disease, which means you remain safe against problems that threaten your well-being. However, you can still worry over your appearance because stains continue to build up gradually and hurt how you look. To help deal with enamel stains, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can offer positive results through professional teeth whitening treatment. There are take-home treatments and in-office procedures that we can recommend to patients based on their interests. We can also recommend that patients use other approaches whenever a review determines that intrinsic discoloration needs to be addressed. (more…)
How Will Veneers Address My Smile Flaws?
How comfortable are you with the way your smile looks today? Whether they have always been a concern or they are more recent, dental flaws can cause significant embarrassment. It can be difficult to ignore the effect that discoloration, enamel damage, problems with your tooth shape and size, and issues with malocclusion can have. Any one of these issues can be disruptive on their own; when you have several concerns about the way you look, it can feel as if improvements are completely out of reach. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are prepared to help patients take on issues with the way they look. We offer different cosmetic services as treatment options, including the option to address problems with durable custom veneers! (more…)
Fully Restoring Your Unhealthy Smile
If your smile is affected by several problems, the amount of care you require can feel intimidating. How long will it take you to see the right results? What if one of your issues grows more severe before you can treat it? Will the care that you arrange end up affecting your smile? To help you enjoy the right restorative services and have the right experience with care, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can recommend that you begin a full-mouth rehabilitation plan. Through the creation of your custom plan, we can make sure that all of your needs are addressed, that your outlined treatment schedule suits your needs, and that your smile looks attractive at the end of your services. (more…)
Bringing Up An Interest In Invisalign
If you have problems with the way your smile looks that can be traced back to malocclusion, should you say something to your dentist? People who are bothered by poor teeth spacing may assume that they have to rely on the help of an orthodontist to treat this issue. What you can find at our Sheridan, WY dental office is that we are prepared to help you, and we can do so without relying on conspicuous metal braces. Instead, you can use a set of Invisalign aligners to make the necessary changes to improve the way you look. These clear aligners can discreetly and gradually move teeth into more attractive positions. With this corrective work done, you can feel better about how you look, and you can take on problems with your dental health related to poor alignment. (more…)