Patients who have gone without regular dental care for an extended period of time may arrive at the dentist’s office with multiple ailments. This can mean that they have several cavities to address, or they could have a combination of issues affecting their teeth, gums, or even their jaw alignment and movement. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help you if you feel that you might require full-mouth rehabilitation. After reviewing your dental health and identifying issues that will require treatment, we can work out a plan to address all of the issues that you are currently experiencing. By doing so, we can help you move past discomfort and enjoy a healthy, confident, and attractive smile! (more…)
The Role Regular Flossing Plays In Plaque Removal
Plaque accumulation is a daily problem for your smile, which is why a good oral hygiene routine will involve a thorough teeth cleaning every day. Hopefully, you are already protecting yourself by brushing at least two times a day, and by flossing at least once per day to remove harmful bacteria that are gathering between your teeth. Flossing can be more important to plaque removal and prevention than you realize. As effective as dedicated brushing can be to protecting your smile, it can fail to help you keep the spaces between your teeth clean. As a result, you may find that you struggle with problems like gum disease and tooth decay! Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help patients keep their teeth safe, just as we are ready to provide dental treatment if any problems do develop in between appointments. (more…)
Why Am I Having Trouble Preventing Dental Problems?
Even though you feel you are doing enough to protect your smile, you have struggled to avoid problems with dental decay and gum disease. Sometimes, patients are not able to understand why they struggle with poor oral hygiene because they are overlooking mistakes in their oral hygiene routine. They can also fail to recognize just how harmful certain habits are, so they fail to correct them. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is ready to help patients prevent issues with their oral health. We offer protection by performing regular evaluations and teeth cleanings, but we also support patients by providing helpful feedback about their oral hygiene routine that can lead to positive changes in their dental health. (more…)
How The Placement Of Veneers Improves A Flawed Smile
If you have teeth that are misshapen, damaged, dull, discolored, or flawed in some other way, it can be hard to feel truly comfortable showing off your smile. As you look into cosmetic dentistry, you can discover that the right treatment can effectively deal with several of these issues for you, giving you dramatic improvements in a short time. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help you by offering treatment with porcelain veneers. We can use veneers to hide many different flaws with the way you look. Their slim design minimizes the need for preparatory work, which means that their placement can have less impact on your teeth than you expect while still delivering exciting improvements! (more…)
What Takes Place After A Cavity Is Identified At A Checkup?
If you are doing a good job caring for your smile between appointments, you can regularly leave routine dental exams without scheduling anything other than your next preventive visit. So what will happen if your dentist notices something wrong with your oral health? At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are prepared to address a problem once it has been identified. Acting quickly to resolve trouble with your smile limits your risk for complications, and it can ensure that you have your work completed in less time. Because we use CEREC technology to create dental crowns that are available in just one day, we can make short work of your oral health trouble even if your problem calls for more than a dental filling. (more…)
Are You Struggling With Stiff Or Painful Jaw Movement?
Can you simply work around problems with jaw pain or stiffness? Choosing to adjust your bite function, or the way you speak, in order to avoid discomfort can make you more comfortable for a time, but it fails to address the cause of your troubles. In time, that compromised jaw movement can end up causing more problems for you, leading to greater discomfort. Issues with jaw stiffness, pain, facial soreness, and even headaches can all be linked to TMJ disorder. This condition occurs when something has caused problems with the alignment or health of your jaw joints, or when you have unresolved issues with tension in the muscles. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are prepared to work with you to reduce tension and better align your joints to help you move past troubles with TMJ disorder! (more…)
3 Things That Patients Ought To Know About Cavity Treatment
What should you expect from a cavity treatment? Is the process going to affect your ability to put bite pressure on your tooth? Will your smile be changed by your restoration? These fears can make people reluctant to see their dentist even if they know that something is wrong. You should recognize that if a cavity has formed, it has to be treated by a dentist or else it will worsen. Eventually, decay can cause enough harm to a tooth to make a tooth extraction necessary! Fortunately, the right treatment can preserve your dental function as well as your appearance! At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can make sure that your tooth is cared for without changing the way it looks. Thanks to CEREC technology, we can even restore a tooth with an advanced cavity in as little as one visit! (more…)
How Conservative Tooth Bonding Treatments Improve Smiles
Your smile is close to being exactly what you want to show off…unfortunately, a seemingly minor flaw affects your smile symmetry and draws too much attention to itself. For many people, the right cosmetic dental procedure is not focused on making big changes. What they are interested in is a treatment that effectively targets and resolves “small” issues that call excess attention to themselves. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can recommend treatment through dental bonding to help you deal with these issues. A tooth bonding procedure restores the appearance of a tooth with a special composite resin material that bonds with your tooth structure. What this means is that we can reshape a tooth, change its size, hide damages, or even improve its color so that it fits in with your smile and no longer hurts your appearance. (more…)
Dental Implants Help You Bite And Chew With More Confidence
You can lose confidence in more than just your smile after you lose a tooth. It can quickly become apparent that your ability to bite and chew will be compromised by the absence of a tooth. If you try to bite down in the area where a smile gap is present, you can have a harder time working your way through your food, and you can potentially loosen the teeth at either side of your gap. Working to avoid that space at all times can lead to more wear and tear on your remaining teeth while also putting stress on your jaw joints and muscles. Fortunately, the right dental prosthetic can actually help you return to a natural bite function. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can talk with you about replacing a lost tooth with a dental implant-held prosthetic appliance. (more…)
How Can I Effectively Whiten My Teeth At Home?
While you may like the idea of taking care of a teeth whitening treatment at home, you can find that it is difficult to find a treatment option that delivers the results you hope to see. Whitening products that are available at your local grocery store or pharmacy can have limited benefits, which means you can be stuck with teeth that still seem dull or unattractive. In addition to providing teeth whitening treatments in our office, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office does provide whitening kits that patients can take home and use on their own time. These kits rely on advanced whitening gels that are not available at your local store or pharmacy, so you can count on them to deliver results that are difficult for these products to match! (more…)