Any time you have a problem with your dental health, you should look for treatment that can provide lasting support. When it comes to healing after an injury or cavity, our teeth are unfortunately limited. These issues can lead to permanent damage to your enamel, something that your dentist will have to address. Fortunately, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can take care of you in this situation. In addition to providing prompt care, we can make sure that your smile does not appear changed after your care is finished! In addition to providing lifelike fillings, we use CEREC technology to place lifelike dental crowns that are prepared for our patients in just one appointment. (more…)
Responding To A Patient’s TMJ Problems
An untreated problem with your jaw movement or alignment can lead to worsening discomfort, something that can build until you struggle to make it through the day without a worrying degree of pain and joint stiffness. In time, a problem with TMJ disorder can also lead to the start of chronic headaches, and it may be the reason why you grind your teeth while you sleep. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is here to help if this is an issue that is interfering with your quality of life. A custom oral appliance can bring relief by addressing the issues you have with poor joint alignment and movement. (more…)
Will I Need To Replace An Older Filling?
There will not be a time when you no longer need a dental filling or dental crown to protect your tooth. When problems like dental decay affect us, the damage they cause is permanent. Fortunately, the restorations provided at our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office are lifelike as well as durable. It is important to remember that these restorations, like your teeth, can wear down over time, and they can be damaged. If you have a problem with a broken, loose, or lost filling, or if you have a restoration that no longer feels comfortable, let us know. We can evaluate it and determine how we can make sure your tooth stays protected. (more…)
Will Whitening Treatment Fit In My Schedule?
Your goal can be to have whiter teeth, but it may seem out of reach if you have a busy or unpredictable schedule. While store bought whitening agents are available, they can produce limited results. You can talk to your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office about treatment, but you may worry that you will simply not have time for whatever treatment approach they recommend. However, when you ask, you can find that this cosmetic service can be more convenient than you thought possible, as you can actually choose between in-office care and treatment with a customized kit at your convenience. (more…)
Planning Multiple Dental Treatments
There are times when a full smile recovery will call for several dental procedures. Sometimes, this is simply to address dental decay that affects more than one tooth. In other situations, cavities and other issues, such as enamel damage or bite troubles, need to be resolved. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are happy to meet with patients impacted by problems with their oral health. To make smile care plans easier to follow and schedule, we can work out all of your needs with a full-mouth rehabilitation plan. This plan will cover all of the oral health concerns that we can resolve at our practice. At the end of your procedures, you can regain confidence in your dental health and appearance. (more…)
Receiving Your Lifelike CEREC Dental Crown
Serious problems with decay and dental trauma do not have to cause permanent problems for your smile. In fact, it may be possible for you to have these issues addressed in as little as one appointment. Your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office provides same-day dental crowns that both protect teeth and match their appearances. What this means is that after a single visit, you can put problems with your smile and oral health behind you! We are able to do this because we rely on CEREC technology at our office. While many practices need third party labs to create their restorations, we have everything needed to produce your crown on-site! (more…)
Make Lasting Smile Changes With Veneers!
If you go in to your dentist’s office for cosmetic work, it seems safe to assume you want to leave with smile improvements that truly last. A short-term change in your appearance can be nice, but you can be happy to know that the right procedure really can offer long-term benefits. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can help you feel sustained confidence in your smile by providing custom porcelain veneers. With these restorations, we can take care of your appearance by addressing concerns about discoloration, dental damage, poor spacing, and more! (more…)
How Dental Implants Support Replacement Teeth
The problems you experience because of tooth loss can be difficult to ignore. Unfortunately, they can become increasingly difficult to disregard as time passes, as they can worsen gradually. You may have some issues with your bite that worsen due to the uneven movements you have to use to avoid the space where you have a gap in your smile. You can also grow increasingly self-conscious about your appearance, lose more teeth over time, and even experience the loss of jawbone density! Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can help you put this matter behind you. Through the placement of a restoration held to a dental implant, we can give you back your complete smile, and we can provide notable oral health benefits! (more…)
Concerns We Address At A Dental Exam
What are you really doing for yourself when you take the time to brush and floss your teeth? These important hygiene habits help you defend yourself against the accumulation of oral bacteria and other agents that can lead to both plaque and tartar buildup. By doing this, you lower your risk for experiencing issues like dental decay and gum disease, two conditions that can impact your well-being more than you may realize. Remember that you are not the only person who can help you avoid these problems. Your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is here to support you in your efforts to prevent dental problems. Regular dental exams provide additional benefits, and provide important overall support for your smile. (more…)
How Bonding Treatments Restore Cracked Teeth
Our teeth may be strong, but certain actions can lead to dental damage that seriously alters your smile. Cracks can form over time if you have a problem with teeth grinding, or you can experience damage due to a physical injury. Fortunately, this is not always serious enough to require restorative dental work. It may be possible for you to move forward with a more conservative cosmetic dental procedure to positively change your smile. A tooth bonding treatment provided at your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can discreetly cover damage while preserving your tooth structure. Because this approach does not require any restorations, we can have work finished in as little as one appointment! (more…)