Do You Feel Stuck With Your Smile Flaws?

Whether they are naturally occurring or represent relatively recent issues, smile flaws can be a source of embarrassment. Unfortunately, many people assume they are a source of embarrassment that they are stuck with. Are you self-conscious about teeth that are misshapen, damaged, discolored, or flawed in some other way? With the right cosmetic dental treatment, your Sheridan, WY dentist can help! We provide several treatment options, which can lead to desirable results. If there are concerns about your appearance as well as your oral health, we can look at options to take on both issues with custom restorations.

How Do You Really Feel About Your Smile?

Are you unhappy with your smile because your teeth are not as straight as they should be? Are you worried about dental discoloration or damage that attract unwanted attention? Have you always felt unhappy because certain teeth disrupt your smile because of their shape or size? There is no single reason why a person will be less than thrilled with their appearance. With that said, there are several treatment options available, and they can take on many different concerns. You can find that one procedure can have welcome benefits even for those who have several changes that they want to make!

Discussing Cosmetic Dentistry And Its Benefits

Cosmetic dentistry provides welcome care while only making conservative changes to your tooth structure. In some cases, treatment can proceed without any lasting changes. For example, we can provide a professional teeth whitening treatment, or we can talk to you about making your smile straighter with clear aligners. We can also do work with porcelain veneers to make striking improvements to the way you look. With veneers, we can make teeth brighter, more uniform, and generally more attractive while only modifying their front surfaces.

Planning The Restoration Of Flawed Teeth With Custom Crowns

Sometimes, teeth that are misshapen or damaged need more than just cosmetic work. To fix problems with these teeth, we can place custom dental crowns that improve how they look and also address issues with bite function and health. Because our practice uses CEREC technology that can produce same-day dental crowns, we can make sure this issue is addressed in less time than you expect!

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Treatment For Your Smile Flaws

If you have smile flaws that make you self-conscious, start talking with your dentist about cosmetic dentistry! There are several procedures available that can help you improve how you look. In fact, you can find that all of your concerns can be addressed in as little as one procedure. If you would like to learn more about the different services that we offer, please reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.