Is Recurring Jaw And Facial Pain A Problem For Your Dentist?

Daily pain in your face, jaw, head, and neck can be more than just an inconvenience, or something you have to tune out as you focus on your responsibilities. The discomfort you are trying to ignore may be the results of jaw problems that your Sheridan, WY dentist can help you manage. TMJ dysfunction impacts the lives of many different people, and it can stem from different issues. You might need to do something about a problem that affects your bite function, while another patient could have problems because of a past jaw injury. Your dentist can work with you to understand the nature of your troubles, and provide the appropriate care so that you can enjoy freedom from ongoing pains in your face, jaw, neck, and head! While TMJ treatment often relies on oral appliances, your dentist can also recommend care to address underlying issues that led to your troubles. (more…)

Dealing With Multiple Cavities? Our Practice Can Help!

The unfortunate reality behind cavity treatment is that your teeth will not “take turns” when it comes to decay. If you have not kept up with regular dental appointments, you may discover at your next visit that you have several teeth in need of restorative care because of cavities that have formed. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can help you manage your oral health by arranging treatment for all of your active oral health issues. When you plan a full-mouth rehabilitation with us, you can also make a point to arrange treatment for issues like TMJ dysfunction, or tooth loss, which may be affecting your quality of life. (more…)

Will You Be Approved For Dental Implant Placement?

Having your issues with tooth loss addressed will mean improving your smile, but with the right dental work, you can also enjoy impressive functional benefits. Many people who have an issue with an incomplete smile can find that a dental implant-held restoration provides them with a comfortable, attractive, and secure prosthetic appliance. Your Sheridan, WY dentist can talk to you about what to expect from an implant, and let you know if you are approved to move forward with treatment. If an initial evaluation results in your dentist finding problems that might interfere with placement, you can discuss the appropriate work required to move forward. (more…)

Invisalign Aligners Offer Thrilling Smile Improvements

With the right dental service, you can do more than just address an active oral health issue. Your Sheridan, WY dental practice offers treatments that can make remarkable improvements to your smile, boosting your confidence by making desirable changes to the way you look. One treatment option we can offer is a smile adjustment with Invisalign aligners. These clear appliances can gradually straighten your teeth over time, leading to results you might expect from braces, though without requiring you to have these conspicuous metal appliances. In addition to helping you flash an improved smile, your Invisalign adjustment can help you lower your cavity risks, and correct a flawed bite alignment. (more…)

We Offer Lifelike Crowns That Are Ready In One Appointment

The sooner your dental work is completed, the sooner you can rest assured that your smile and dental function will be normal again. Many practices that provide restorative dental work offer their patients dental crowns that are made by third party labs, which can delay the completion of your oral health care. Waiting for your permanent restoration can be frustrating when you have to rely on a temporary crown, particularly if you have a crown that is a less than ideal fit. Fortunately, our Sheridan, WY dental practice has CEREC technology we can use to craft lifelike crowns that are ready for you in just a single appointment! (more…)

Creating A Plan To Address All Problems Affecting Your Smile

The idea of arranging every dental procedure you require can feel daunting if you have several flaws that affect your appearance and oral health. Unfortunately, individuals who go long periods of time between seeing their dentist can find themselves in need of multiple procedures to address every problem that now affects them. If you find yourself in this position, you should know that your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can provide you with the option of arranging a full-mouth rehabilitation. During this process, you and your dentist will work out a time line for dental services that you need. As you go through the treatments, you can be amazed at how much your smile is improving! (more…)

We Can Address Problems That Make Teeth Look Discolored

While dental discoloration is a problem that can affect many people, your particular issues with this matter can be understandably frustrating. If you continue to see stains build up even as you effectively fight tooth decay, it can be even more frustrating to feel as if there is no defense against the problem. Fortunately, your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office does provide great results from professional whitening treatments. By using a professional treatment instead of an over the counter product, or a toothpaste that boasts an ability to fight stains, you can see significant improvements to the way you look. If you have other cosmetic concerns, or if your discoloration is caused by internal, rather than external, issues, you can also look into other treatment options at our practice. (more…)

We Can Find Out Why You Feel Pain When You Bite And Chew

The inability to comfortably bite and chew food can be a frustrating, seemingly inescapable problem. After all, even if you are uncomfortable, you have to eat! If you are frequently trying to avoid biting down with a certain tooth because of pain or sensitivity, or if you are having a hard time opening and closing your jaw without discomfort, ignoring the problem can be an ineffective solution. In fact, that approach can allow for the issue you face to worsen, and become more difficult. Bring up your discomfort with biting and chewing when you see your Sheridan, WY dentist. The right dental procedure can put an end to your discomfort, and greatly improve the quality of your daily life! (more…)

Are My Issues With My Smile Caused By Oral Health Trouble?

Is a problem with the way your smile looks really “just” a smile problem? The reason for your concern over the way you look could be focused on an issue that actually suggests the need for oral health treatment. If you think you might need dental care, or if you are just not sure whether this is necessary, set up an appointment with your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office. During an evaluation, the reason for your smile concerns can be identified, and treatment can be arranged. In many cases, a single procedure is all that is required for someone to make a big change to the way they look, but your dentist can help you navigate a full-mouth reconstruction if your problems call for it. (more…)

We Can Restore Your Smile By Placing A Dental Bridge

Tooth loss can be a serious issue for your oral health, but while your tooth may be lost, hope for real smile improvement is certainly within your reach. Modern dental care can lead to a smile improvement that gives you back your complete smile, while also addressing the issues around tooth loss that can complicate your life .Having a dental bridge put in place can increase your confidence, improve your smile, and even address the functional problems that tooth loss can create. Your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can help you see the benefits of having a dental bridge crafted and placed. We can also talk to you about the advantages gained from relying on a dental implant to hold your bridge. (more…)