Category: Restorative Dentistry

Protection Offered By Lifelike Fillings

If you receive a dental restoration that matches your tooth structure, can you expect it to offer anything more than just cosmetic support. When placing dental fillings or dental crowns, our Sheridan, WY oral health practice will prioritize care that has lasting value. That calls for support that takes on functional problems and health risks… Read more »

How A Dental Bridge Remains Secure Over Time

If you lose a tooth, you can lose confidence in your smile and oral health as well as the ability to apply bite pressure in a comfortable and natural manner. Through the right approach to prosthetic dental work, you can address all of these issues. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is actually prepared to help… Read more »

Different Issues Caused By Tooth Trauma

What will you need to do about a physical tooth injury? The answer will depend on how severe that injury is, and it can also be influenced by how long it takes you to seek care. Like dental decay, physical trauma can lead to complications when not dealt with in a timely manner. You can… Read more »

Effective Coverage For Cracked Enamel

A cracked tooth may be more than just a cosmetic issue. You may not have immediate issues, but that damage can leave you with less protection, which means more harm can come to your enamel as you continue to put pressure on it by biting and chewing. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can… Read more »

Do Metal-Free Fillings Offer Bite Support?

If you have to undergo treatment for a cavity, you can be relieved to know that care that preserves your appearance is available. While this can be a relief for many, some individuals may worry that this will mean that they are not able to put bite pressure on their tooth without jeopardizing their restoration…. Read more »

Fully Restoring Your Unhealthy Smile

If your smile is affected by several problems, the amount of care you require can feel intimidating. How long will it take you to see the right results? What if one of your issues grows more severe before you can treat it? Will the care that you arrange end up affecting your smile? To help… Read more »

Prosthetic Care With A Custom Dental Bridge

You may have a hard time thinking of another dental problem that is as conspicuous and frustrating as tooth loss. The absence of just one tooth is enough to take away your ability to bite and chew in a way that feels natural. You can also struggle because you are not able to maintain a… Read more »

Trusting The Support Of A Lifelike Filling

Dental work can be prevented when you keep up with the right routine. With that said, patients can attend routine visits with the expectation that nothing is wrong, but in the course of a review they can learn about problems with dental decay that require treatment. There are reasons why this discovery of a cavity… Read more »

Completing Smile Care With Same-Day Crowns

The right dental work for active oral health issues can provide several key advantages. You can be eager to seek care that will preserve your smile, as well as long-term support for a vulnerable tooth. We can address your needs for lasting, lifelike treatment with dental crowns provided at our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office. Something… Read more »

Permanent Protection For A Decayed Tooth

Whenever a cavity forms, a tooth suffers permanent damage. The amount of damage will vary, as decay can be identified and treated at different stages. If the problem is not caught in a timely manner, the harm to your enamel can be significant, but early detection can lead to a more conservative treatment. At our… Read more »