Why Teeth are More Thankful Now Than During the First Thanksgiving

As homage to the wide variety of food offered at the first Thanksgiving, many people’s tables will be laden with different kinds of meat, fruits, vegetables, sides, and desserts this year. The inevitable assault on your teeth is sure to raise at least a little dental health awareness, and we hope that you brush and floss your teeth to prevent so much food from feeding the bacteria in your mouth (which can lead to bad breath, tooth decay, and gum disease). However, if the feast began hundreds of years ago, how did early Thanksgiving feasters care for their teeth before and after the holiday? In the interest of historical dentistry, Sheridan dentist Dr. Coon lists some interesting facts about tooth care in Colonial America.

Thankful for Teeth!

  • Early European settlers had a lot to contend with in their new land. Hygiene should have been one of them, but cleanliness was apparently not at the forefront of the pilgrims’ minds. Most only bathed once a week, if that often.
  • Although a few dentists accompanied the first pilgrims, dental health care providers of the time focused only solving problems rather than preventing them. (more…)

Make Whiter Teeth a Part of Your After-Halloween Costume

Brown, yellow, or otherwise stained teeth may be perfect for the purpose of celebrating Halloween, but most people would not want their teeth to look so ghoulish after the festivities, or for any other part of the year, for that matter. Aside from fake teeth, your natural teeth are also exposed to quite a bit of struggle as they are bombarded with sweets and candies, many of which can leave stains on your teeth as well as contribute to tooth decay. As a dedicated dentist in Sheridan, Dr. Coon offers this advice to protect your teeth’s pearly luster, and offers professional tooth whitening treatment to erase any stains that may appear.

Protect Your Teeth from Stains

Some foods, such as certain fruits and earthy vegetables, can help keep your teeth clean and healthy. The fibrous textures of some of these foods, such as apples, work to scrub away traces of food debris and minor stains on the surface of your teeth. Unfortunately, there may not be many fruits and vegetables to go around during the Halloween festivities, at least not enough to counteract the damage done by the more commonly–present candy. To help reduce some of the damage caused by sugary and acidic candies, swish some water around your mouth after you eat a treat. (more…)

Scientists Use Innovative Technique to Reduce Gum Inflammation

While you may not hear as much about gum disease as you do other maladies, it still remains one of the most widespread chronic infections among the human population. In the United States alone, nearly 75% of adults have gum disease of varying degrees, and the illness is the number one cause of adult tooth loss in America, as well. Our failure to completely defeat or control gum disease, however, is not for lack of trying. Scientists around the world are researching ways to get a leg up on the destructive disease, especially in light of compounding evidence that our oral health my influence our physical wellbeing. At the University of Louisiana, School of Dentistry, researcher David Scott, PhD, has taken an innovative approach to the dilemma that has some experts rethinking our strategy of gum disease prevention and treatment. Sheridan dentist, Dr. Coon, explains how we may be able to prevent the destruction of gum disease by interrupting cellular communication.

The Traditional Fight Against Gum Disease

As destructive as unchecked gum disease can be, it begins in a relatively simple manner; the accumulation of bacteria along your gum line. Excessive plaque buildup can irritate the gums until the tissue pulls away from your teeth, creating small pockets for bacteria to collect. The progression and destruction of gum disease, however, is a result of the inflammation that is characteristic of the oral health issue. (more…)

Sheridan Dentist Offers One-Visit Crowns

Can you imagine walking in for a dentist appointment and walking out that same day with a crown? That’s not how things worked in the past. In general, dental crowns took multiple appointments for making impressions, fitting you with an uncomfortable temporary crown, sending specifications to an outside source, bringing you back in for a fitting on another day, and hopefully finalizing the crown then. All of those steps can now take place in one visit, if your dentist has embraced the latest technology. Your Sheridan dentist, Dr. Donald Coon, explains the benefits of Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramics (CEREC).

Why Are Dental Crowns Necessary?

Crowns are recommended by a dentist for a variety of reasons. A crown is essentially a cap that fits over the remains of a tooth that is not at full function. When a tooth needs extra protection after being weakened by decay, and a filling will not offer enough support, you will likely be a candidate for a crown. Cracked teeth with parts that need to be held together, restoration of worn down or broken teeth, and severely discolored teeth would be other reasons a patient might opt for a ceramic crown. (more…)

Sheridan Dentist Connects Gum Disease to Arthritis

Brushing and flossing your teeth are considered not negotiable if you want to have the best oral hygiene. Floss reaches the areas between teeth where the bristles of a toothbrush can’t fit. However, brushing twice a day, and flossing every day, is often neglected by people who are busy, tired, or just can’t seem to develop good oral hygiene habits. If staving off gum disease and tooth decay isn’t enough incentive for you to brush and floss properly, a new study claims that the benefits of diligent oral hygiene extend to joint health. Dr. Donald Coon, your Sheridan dentist, explains the details of the research that links gum disease to arthritis.

Oral Bacteria Found in the Knees

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University, in Cleveland, OH, examined DNA to determine that bacteria from our mouths can travel all the way down to the knees, potentially exacerbating existing cases of arthritis. Our knee caps are surrounded by synovial fluid.  In people with good joint health, this fluid is sterile. When arthritis is present, however, bacteria can settle in the knee (more…)

Sheridan Dentist Discusses Abscess Prevention

The formation of an abscess is common for patients of all ages, primarily those affected by tooth decay or gum disease. Building a wall around the infection, an abscess is actually one way the body attempts to protect itself from harm.

Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Tooth decay and gum disease are both driving factors in the development of bacterial infections. Appearing at the tooth’s root, a periapical abscess generally affects those patients with tooth decay. Untreated cavities can devolve quickly, sometimes resulting in an absess, so proper preventive oral care is always recommended.
Unlike a periapical abscess (located near the root of a decayed tooth), a periodontal abscess is usually attributed to an infection located between the tooth and gum. In many advanced periodontal disease cases, food becomes lodged between a tooth and the gumline. Without care and treatment from your local Sheridan dentist, the resulting infection could spread to the rest of the body.

Sheridan Dentist Explains How Dentures Compare to Dental Implants

Tooth Replacement Security

One of the biggest fears associated with dentures is the mortifying possibility of them falling out. Dentures are notorious for slipping or shifting during chewing or speaking. These dental restorations are often held by suction in your mouth or messy denture pastes. Dental implants alleviate these fears by securing your tooth replacement with an implanted rod. The biocompatible titanium rod is bonded to your jawbone so that your dental prosthetic stays exactly where it should be. Dental implants will not slip or feel loose even when you eat tougher foods like steak or corn on the cob.

Dental Implants and Convenience

Fragile dentures may require special attention to keep them healthy. Denture wearers must remove their artificial teeth at night and place them in a cleaning solution. However, dental implants allow you to wake up every morning with your teeth in place. That’s because dental implants are fixed in your mouth. Since they so closely mimic the function of your natural teeth, you can brush and floss them just like your other teeth, instead of placing them in a glass at night. With frequent dental checkups, our Sheridan dentist, Dr. Coon, can help ensure the success of your tooth implants for a lifetime. (more…)

Your Sheridan Dentists Discuss Diabetes and Dental Health

Roughly 26 million people suffer from diabetes, and approximately 25% of these people have not been diagnosed. Many people are unaware of the prevalent link between dental health complications and diabetes, so the doctors at Grinnell Street Dental would like to discuss this serious issue in today’s blog.

Diabetes and Gum Disease

Research suggests that there is a direct relationship between diabetes and gum disease. This means that not only are people with diabetes at higher risk of developing gum disease, but serious gum disease may potentially effect blood glucose control and lead to the advancement of diabetes.  Research shows that diabetics are more susceptible to gingivitis (the earliest stage of gum disease), and periodontitis (serious gum disease). This is due to the fact that people with diabetes are predisposed to bacterial infection and lack the ability to fight the bacteria that invades gums.

What Do Neck Pain, Sensitive Teeth, and Dizziness Have in Common?

One of the most fascinating details of dentistry is how your dental health can touch many aspects of your life. For instance, did you know that gum disease can have negative consequences for pregnancy, or that students’ grades have been linked to their oral health? Our Sheridan dentist, Dr. Coon, will explain how one oral health condition can have far-reaching consequences on your entire wellbeing.

What is TMJ disorder?

Also called TMD, TMJ disorder is a health condition involving pain with your temporomandibular joints. Your TMJs support your jaw with hinge joints that allow you to open your mouth, chew, or speak. When these hinge joints are stressed or overexerted, they can cause dental health and overall health issues.

What causes TMJ disorder?

While there are many contributing factors to TMJ disorder, the most common is misaligned bite. When your teeth do not match up correctly, your jaw hinge joints will strain to hold them in place. This strain translates to jaw muscle exhaustion and TMJ disorder. Some dentists believe other causes of TMJ disorder include cranio-facial structure, stress, teeth grinding, and neuromuscular signals.

What are the symptoms of TMJ disorder?

Often, TMJ disorder symptoms send mixed signals since the effects of TMD have such far-reaching consequences. While these symptoms may seem unrelated, TMJ disorder can affect many parts of your upper body because of the location of the temporomandibular joints. These joints not only affect the movement of your mouth and teeth, but also the top of your head. In addition, the TMJs are closely acquainted with a plethora of nerves in your face which correspond to different aches and pains. For instance, some overall health signs of TMJ disorder include:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Morning earaches
  • Shoulder, back, or neck pain
  • Dizziness
  • Jaw popping sounds

TMJ disorder can also have negative consequences for your dental health including:

  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Teeth grinding
  • Difficulty opening your mouth
  • Increased cavities (more…)

Can Dental Disease Affect Your Child’s Academic Performance?

Tooth decay remains one of the most common diseases among school-aged children, second only to the common cold. More than half of children have had cavities in their primary (baby) teeth, which can spread to their permanent teeth forming underneath the gums. Research now shows that dental issues may be associated with poor academic performance and attendance in children who don’t have access to regular dental care. Dr. Coon, your Sheridan dentist, explores the possible connection between poor oral health and poor grades.

Cavities and School

An Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC study, which will appear in the September, 2012, issue of the American Journal of Public Health, examined 1500 socioeconomically disadvantaged children throughout Los Angeles’ Unified School District. Previously, Ostrow researchers reported that 73% of Los Angeles’ disadvantaged children had tooth decay. The new study exposes a link between these kids’ oral health and their academic performance. Children who reported having tooth discomfort were four times more likely to have a grade-point average (GPA) below the median GPA of 2.8. (more…)