Category: Family Dentistry

Oil Pulling: An Unusual Way to Enhance Dental Health

There are certainly homeopathic remedies that are not based in scientific facts. Yet some mysteriously work wonders. Is it the placebo effect? Or are there just nuances to our health that we still don’t understand completely? Regardless of these questions, when something works for you, it works. Oil pulling is one example of a do-it-yourself… Read more »

Herbs and Spices Help Oral-Systemic Health

Do you enjoy adding herbs and spices to your meals for additional flavor? A spicy kick of cayenne or an exotic undertone of curry can amp up the taste of your food without adding fat and sodium. The honing of the medicinal qualities of natural seasonings dates back to ancient times. Many herbs and spices… Read more »

Avoid the Pitfalls of Life without Teeth

Human nature is sometimes puzzling. People can be so self-centered. On the other hand, so many of us put others before ourselves. When it comes to tooth loss or other dental issues that affect appearance, Sheridan dentist, Dr. Donald Coon, often has patients living with their embarrassment so that others in their family will have… Read more »

Avoiding Pitfalls that Can Damage your Smile

Do you believe that sugar causes cavities? This is a common misconception. Yes, sucrose is a contributing element in the reaction that takes place inside your mouth when tooth decay is created. However, by itself, it’s like having wood in your fireplace, but no match. Oral bacteria called Streptococcus mutans live inside your mouth and… Read more »

Fluoride Facts for Parents and Children

Fluoride is a well-known as a preventive tool in dental hygiene. Infused into daily-use products like toothpaste and mouthwash, fluoride strengthens teeth and protects against cavities. Sheridan family dentist, Dr. Donald Coon, can offer you valuable information about the compound that helps keep you and your family’s teeth healthy: fluoride. All About Fluoride Fluoride is a… Read more »

Sheridan Family Dentist Describes Details of Dental Plaque

The dental needs of adults and children may have some differences, but there is one thing bound to be in common with patients of all ages: plaque. When you go in for your dental checkups, plaque (and the hardened version which is known as tartar, or calculus) will be scraped from your teeth. Leave it… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist Discusses Safety of Fillings

Silver amalgam fillings have been adhered to cavities in people’s teeth for over 150 years. Many dentists and patients have moved on to tooth-colored materials for aesthetic reasons, and concerns of an impact on environment and health from amalgam’s chief ingredient of mercury. There are still hundreds of millions of people with amalgam fillings, according… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist Goes Deeper with Dental Cleanings

Most people are great about their daily hygiene. You are likely to take a daily shower or bath, wash your face before bed, brush or comb your hair. Many people don’t brush and floss the recommended twice-a-day, but their dental hygiene is still certainly a part of daily life. Regular dental cleanings are an essential… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist Talks about Teeth Grinding in Children

Stress is something that we try to believe only afflicts us as we reach adulthood. Why should children be worried? Life is handed to them, right? In an idealistic world, children would be carefree, skipping, jumping, running, and playing their free time away. Unfortunately, school, social, and familial demands along with poor nutrition have made… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist Tells the Truth About Root Canals

You’ve probably heard someone say, “I’d rather get a root canal than have the flu,” or some such similar comparison. Root canals have somehow ended up with the reputation of being as unpleasant as it gets in the world of dental procedures. Most patients who end up needing a root canal procedure may panic, given… Read more »