Category: Family Dentistry

A Quiz on Porcelain Veneers

Do you have porcelain veneers on any part of your smile, or have you ever considered them? They are one of the most versatile cosmetic dental treatments out there. Few other single procedures answer to so many different issues at the same time. In fact, porcelain veneers are so efficient at covering over a multitude… Read more »

Does Baking Soda Brighten Smiles?

Baking soda has been a part of people’s pantries for over one-hundred years. Sodium bicarbonate (AKA baking soda) has a number of benefits and uses such as soaking up odors or scrubbing off stains from a variety of surfaces.One  popular use for baking soda, however, is whitening your teeth. Brushing with a baking soda and… Read more »

Can Chewing Decrease your Risk for Dementia?

Chewing is a natural instinct, like breathing. Of course, if you have jaw pain or bite your tongue, the hundreds of times you chew every day without a second thought will suddenly become uncomfortable. As the years pass and people inevitably age, chewing food may no longer remain a given, due to missing teeth and… Read more »

Is Natural Tooth Renewal Possible?

Fascinating scientific research studies are underway all the time to improve medical fields such as dentistry. Through the work of researchers over the years, we have found out the importance of compounds such as fluoride and dental sealants. Research has allowed dental scientists to come up with better materials for making restorations and dental implants… Read more »

Know your Enemies: Dental Plaque

Run your tongue over your teeth as  you read this. You may feel some lumps and bumps which are likely tartar buildup. Tartar is a hardened version of dental plaque. These biofilms cling to your teeth and gums. Identifying this unpleasant feeling is one thing. Taking action is another. Few people truly understand the formation and… Read more »

Mouthwash for Better Oral Health

Many people view mouthwash as a personal choice or a now and then thing. Dental professionals tend to have varying opinions about whether or not mouthwash will actually improve dental health. The truth is, just as with any products in American, there are good mouthwashes and bad ones. How do you know which one is… Read more »

A Diet for Healthier Teeth

Sugar may not technically cause cavities, but it sure doesn’t help you to maintain healthy teeth. The bacteria – Streptococcus mutans – which actually do cause tooth decay love sugar. Any food which contains large amounts of sucrose will increase acid production, creating larger amounts of sticky plaque. Plaque is a biofilm which clings to… Read more »

Give your Teeth Less Space

What do Sir Elton John, Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Letterman, and Madonna have in common? They are all proud wearers of diastemas. Diastema is the clinical term for a space between two or more teeth. Diastemas are most obvious when they occur prominently between the top two front teeth. While the aforementioned public figures may flaunt… Read more »

Frequently Asked Questions about Nitrous Oxide

Would you believe that roughly 40 million people in America avoid going to the dentist because of severe anxiety over the prospect? If you are one of the many folks who battle extreme fears regarding dental appointments, a good solution is finding a dental team who understands your needs. Once you find a dentist you… Read more »

American Heart Association Questions Gum and Heart Disease Link

Periodontal disease as a potential precursor or link to heart disease has been a topic of study for about 100 years. Most general physicians and dentists have validated an oral-systemic connection. This essentially means that germs can travel into your body through your mouth, causing more serious health conditions than just cavities or gum disease…. Read more »