If you have a problem with your tooth that requires restorative dental work, you should be concerned about its long-term condition. After all, your restoration should be able to provide protection against future damages while also providing functional support. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we offer quality restorations that imitate your natural tooth structure while also helping you bite and chew naturally. We use CEREC technology to craft lifelike dental crowns at our site, which allows us to provide advanced care for your tooth in just one day. While CEREC crowns provide convenience, they can be counted on to offer long-term protection so you can continue to feel confident in your appearance and oral health. (more…)
3 Tips To Help You Enjoy A Cavity-Free Holiday Season
Some of us have longer Christmas wish lists than others, but it seems safe to guess that no one is hoping for dental health issues this season. Unfortunately, it can be harder to avoid cavities around the holidays simply because we tend to have more sweets available to us. Your family may have certain treats that they love to make and share around this time of year, and you may find yourself at social gatherings with unhealthy snacks on hand. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we can help you protect yourself against problems that lead to dental fillings and dental crowns. In addition to providing important services during routine checkups, we can give you helpful instructions to follow in order to take better care of your teeth and gums between appointments. (more…)
Taking Care Of Multiple Oral Health And Smile Concerns
How long will it take for you to fully restore your smile if you have multiple problems to address? For people who have suffered an accumulation of oral health issues over a period of time, the idea of dental care can start to feel intimidating. You may worry that you will have to visit with multiple dental offices, or have long and involved procedures to properly restore your smile. What you can actually learn is that the care your smile requires can be easier to access, and complete, than you might think possible. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we can arrange a full-mouth rehabilitation that addresses the different problems that affect you. This can include important restorative services, like the restoration or replacement of teeth. We can also talk about making cosmetic improvements to your smile, which can help raise your confidence. (more…)
When Will I See Results From A Teeth Whitening Treatment?
The idea of showing off significantly whiter teeth can be understandably exciting. If you have tried to improve your appearance with a store bought whitening product, or with toothpaste that claimed to make teeth brighter, you may have come away disappointed by modest improvements. At our Sheridan, WY dental office, we can provide you with a professional teeth whitening treatment that gives you results you are excited to begin showing off. You have a choice between two treatment options if you want a brighter smile. You can arrange to take home a personalized whitening kit that can deliver results in roughly ten days. If you want your results in less time, you can arrange a single-visit treatment with our practice. (more…)
Can Dental Implants Really Support Better Dental Function?
A person’s smile can certainly be changed by tooth loss, but people who have suffered this problem can be surprised at how much their dental function is impacted. Ideally, you can put little thought into the actions of biting and chewing. When you lose even one tooth, you can find yourself consciously avoiding putting pressure on a particular tooth, which can lead to issues with wear and tear for a certain area of your smile. It can also lead to stress that aggravates your jaw joints and muscles, leading to TMJ dysfunction. If you want to regain a better bite function, our Sheridan, WY dental office can talk to you about securing a dental prosthetic with a dental implant. (more…)
We Restore Teeth Affected By Decay With Metal-Free Fillings
If a cavity is not taken care of by a dentist, the damage that your tooth experiences can be severe. The good news is that when a problem is identified during a routine dental appointment, our Sheridan, WY dental office can address decay discreetly with a metal-free dental filling. We rely on fillings made from biocompatible resin to take care of our patients when cavities form on their teeth. In addition to providing a more natural look, this material bonds with your tooth structure, so you can count on durable protection for many years. It should be noted that some problems with cavities require more support than dental fillings can safely offer – if you are affected by an advanced cavity, we can make sure your tooth is fully restored. (more…)
Lost A Tooth? We Can Place A Custom Dental Bridge!
After losing a tooth, you can feel self-conscious and frustrated about the state of your smile. What you should know is that with the right dental restoration, it is possible to address the cosmetic and functional problems that can stem from tooth loss! Our Sheridan, WY dental practice has helped many different patients in need of restorative work by placing custom dental bridges. A dental bridge is designed to act as a permanent, lifelike prosthetic, one that can be secured without oral surgery. When in place, it can help you smile with confidence, and even improve your ability to bite and chew. We are prepared to help replace a missing tooth as part of a larger full-mouth rehabilitation, which can be recommended if you have multiple oral health issues in need of attention. (more…)
Finding A Solution For Your Issues With Dental Discomfort
If you try to ignore a problem with dental discomfort, you can quickly discover just how intrusive this type of pain can become! You may find it hard to bite and chew certain foods, or find that hot or cold items cause severe discomfort. You should also be aware that by ignoring problems with dental pain, sensitivity, or limited jaw movement, you can allow an oral health issue to worsen. Our Sheridan, WY dental practice is ready to evaluate your oral health and determine why you are dealing with discomfort. We are prepared to help you correct a problem with dental decay or a tooth injury, and we can help you if you are struggling with TMJ dysfunction. (more…)
Choosing Veneers To Solve Problems With Your Smile
When you feel self-conscious about the way you look when you smile, you can find that the right cosmetic dental procedure can help you fix the issues that frustrate you. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we provide procedures that help people correct issues with the color of their teeth, as well as their shape, size, and alignment. If you are looking for a way to change multiple flaws, and if you want to enjoy long-lasting results, you may be interested in arranging a treatment with porcelain veneers. In addition to being effective at addressing many different types of cosmetic flaws, veneers are popular because the porcelain material used to construct them can ensure you enjoy long-term smile improvements! (more…)
Should You Bring Up Invisalign Treatment With Your Dentist?
While problems with tooth decay and dental injuries can obviously be best addressed with your dentist, you may not think to mention concerns about poor dental alignment. What you should know is that at our Sheridan, WY dental practice, we have relied on Invisalign appliances to help many of our patients fix their issues with gaps between teeth, and teeth that overlap in improper ways. Through Invisalign treatment, you can make meaningful changes to the way you look WITHOUT conspicuous aligners. Instead of metal braces, rely on a series of clear plastic aligners to gradually move your teeth, and give you a smile that you love to show off! (more…)