What Keeps A Dental Bridge From Shifting Or Coming Loose?

woman considering a questionA prosthetic dental appliance can give you back your complete smile, and it can help you bite and chew with greater comfort. To provide functional benefits, a restoration should be secure enough to stay stable over the years. Dental bridges are able to stay in place without the need for oral surgery, as they are secured by a pair of dental crowns. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can work with you on plans to restore your complete smile with an attractive custom dental bridge. Your bridge will be carefully designed to fit comfortably, look natural in your smile, and help you feel better about biting and chewing in a way that feels natural.

Dental Bridges Can Be Secured Without Oral Surgery

To provide effective bite support, a dental bridge needs to remain in place so that it can withstand force, and so that it does not bother neighboring teeth. These appliances use dental crowns to stay in place, rather than require any surgical treatment. With a pair of crowns placed over teeth around a smile gap, the bridge is held secure so that it does not move, and so that it will not come loose as time passes.

Making Plans To Place Your Dental Bridge

A dental bridge can address a single missing tooth, or an appliance with more than one pontic (the replacement tooth) can be made for you. A careful examination will take place in order to gather measurements for your restoration. With these details secured, we can have a custom bridge made that fits properly and comfortably. When it is ready, the crowns will be placed over your teeth to hold it in position. When applied, the bridge should give you increased confidence in your smile, and you should also feel capable of putting pressure on it whenever you are biting and chewing food.

Prosthetic Appliances Can Also Be Held With Dental Implants

A dental bridge is not the only approach to prosthetic dental work that can offer you a permanent restoration. We can also talk to you about the benefits of receiving a prosthetic held with a dental implant. Implants are held by your jawbone, which can be stimulated by the post to prevent deterioration over time. Because the implant is responsible for the prosthetic’s support, there is no need to modify healthy teeth.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Receiving A Dental Bridge

Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can help patients who want to do something about missing teeth. With a dental bridge, we can close a gap in your smile without the need for oral surgery, which means you can enjoy a less invasive approach to improving your smile and bite function. To learn more about our services, please call Grinnell Street Dental at 307-672-7567.