If dental decay turns into a cavity, the damage to your enamel will be permanent. The amount of harm that ultimately occurs will depend on how soon a cavity is treated after it forms. Smaller amounts of decay can be addressed with a dental filling, while larger cavities can require dental crowns. While your enamel can be permanently damaged, your smile can be preserved through restorative treatment. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we have experience providing lifelike restorations for patients who have cavities. We can also provide you with help to prevent future cavities when you see us for routine dental examinations. (more…)
How Concerned Should You Be About Teeth Stains?
If your teeth are starting to look stained, does it mean they are in poor health? Stains can be hard to completely avoid, and they can gradually accumulate over time even as you work to protect yourself against dental decay. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can recommend cosmetic dental work if you are growing upset with the color of your smile. With a professional whitening treatment, you can finally do something about built-up stains that have affected the way you look. We can also provide important feedback about your oral health during dental exams and let you know if there is more to worry about than just stains. (more…)
Maintaining Good Oral Health Habits Throughout Your Day
On a semiannual basis, you should attend routine dental checkups. These preventive appointments provide important support against tartar buildup as well as updates on the state of your smile. When you attend them regularly, you can have an easier time avoiding oral health issues that can affect your quality of life and appearance. With that said, you should also make sure that you keep up with good oral hygiene on a daily basis. Better habits will help you avoid problems with tartar buildup, dental decay, and other concerns. In addition to caring for you during your appointment, our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office can offer guidance to help you stay on top of your oral hygiene needs between visits! (more…)
3 Actions That Can Make Cavity Prevention Easier
Are you currently doing enough to make sure that your smile stays cavity-free? People who feel comfortable with their routine sometimes learn that their efforts were less effective than they realized. If you have recently had to have a dental filling or dental crown placed, you should think about how you can do more to keep yourself safe against cavities. One thing to remember is that even with good habits, you should make regular dental exams a priority. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we provide valuable support during every preventive exam. Because these visits include teeth cleanings that remove tartar, they play a valuable role in keeping you guarded against decay! (more…)
How A Custom Oral Appliance Fits Into TMJ Treatment
Difficulties with biting and chewing can build over time. If your jaw movement is compromised, uneven, or unusual in some other way, tension on your joints and muscles can lead to pain and sensitivity. You also have to worry about the alignment of your joints being negatively affected. These problems, along with teeth grinding issues, can build to problems with TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder refers to difficulties with jaw alignment or movement. It can be linked to several issues, and it can create real problems for your quality of life. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, difficulties with TMJ disorder can be addressed through the use of a custom oral appliance that gently holds your jaw in a more beneficial position. (more…)
Say Something To Your Dentist If You Develop A Toothache
Are you able to bite, chew, and speak comfortably, or is an aching tooth starting to affect your daily life? Toothaches can be difficult to ignore. While a brief problem with pain or sensitivity could be sinus-related, a lingering toothache is certainly a cause for alarm! At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, patients who have issues with dental pain can have a tooth closely evaluated to see what is causing their discomfort. After identifying a problem, we can recommend the appropriate dental service to put a stop to your issues with pain or sensitivity. If restorative treatment is needed, we can rely on our same-day dental crowns to complete your treatment in less time than other practices can require. (more…)
We Can Work With You To Resolve Several Smile Problems
While some people only have to worry about maintaining a smile that is already healthy, others may need help to recover from problems that have impacted their dental well-being. If you are someone with several oral health issues, you may be ready to discuss your options for restorative dental work as well as what cosmetic dentistry can do for you. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help those individuals who might benefit from full-mouth rehabilitation. Through a careful evaluation and discussion, we can determine what problems currently affect you, and what treatment options can help you show off meaningful improvements. Once these procedures are complete, you can marvel at the sight of your lovely restored smile! (more…)
Restoring A Smile Hurt By Chipped Or Worn Teeth
A smile that used to fill you with confidence now makes you feel self-conscious. Through the years, changes in your dental health and the accumulation of teeth stains can affect your comfort level with your appearance. Many people also grow self-conscious because they develop problems with wear and tear that affect their appearance. Small chips and cracks, as well as the gradual wearing down of teeth, can leave you with a smile that appears misshapen or uneven. There are several procedures that can help restore your smile if this has happened. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can review the different treatment options that are available to you in order to renew your confidence in your appearance. We can also discuss the potential need to restore vulnerable teeth with dental crowns. (more…)
Do Your Teeth Overlap And Look Crowded? Invisalign Can Help
When teeth are too close together, they can overlap each other or sit at odd angles. This can give the appearance of crowding, and it can make it hard to remain confident in your smile. While issues with malocclusion are often addressed during childhood, adults can develop problems after their teeth shift, or because the arrival of their wisdom teeth pushed in their teeth. Your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help you if you wish to do something about visible crowding. Through the use of Invisalign aligners, we can gradually change the spacing of your smile so that your teeth are evenly aligned. Unlike metal braces, which are permanently bonded to teeth for the duration of treatment, Invisalign appliances can be easily removed at times when they might be in your way. You can also appreciate how difficult it is to see them when they are in place! (more…)
Tooth Decay Can Be More Harmful Than You Realize
Many people who work to protect their teeth from harm will still have at least one cavity in their lifetime. When decay becomes a problem, you should see to it that the matter is dealt with as soon as possible. Giving the cavity time to grow means letting more of your tooth structure suffer permanent damage, which can eventually affect how your dentist must approach restorative dental treatment. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, patients who need to be treated for cavities can have their oral health restored with a lifelike dental filling or dental crown. By using materials that imitate healthy enamel, we can make sure that you complete treatment with sustained confidence in your appearance as well as a properly restored tooth! (more…)