Category: Restorative Dentistry

What Happens If You Leave Tooth Loss Unaddressed?

What kind of threat does tooth loss really pose to your oral health? The threat it poses to your appearance can depend on where you have missing teeth. If the gap in your smile is harder to see, it can do less harm to your appearance. That being said, there is still a functional concern…. Read more »

Quiz: Different Strategies For Restoring Your Tooth

Why would there be different methods for restoring a tooth with a cavity? The way your dentist sets out to stop the spread of decay, and return your tooth to good health, can depend on the severity of your problem. One concern is whether the infection has spread to within your tooth. If you have… Read more »

Repairing A Tooth With A Filling Or A Dental Crown

The first step to repairing a tooth that is suffering from decay is to remove the infected area. Once your dentist has removed this portion of your tooth, and cleaned it, they will need to restore it by replacing what was lost. There are two main methods to produce this restoration. If the cavity in question… Read more »

A Cavity's Size Will Affect How It Is Treated

Imagine you are going to see your dentist about a cavity. Do you know what will come of that treatment? How will your dentist care for your tooth? The answer is partly dependent on how long you waited for help, and how much the cavity has grown. A cavity forms over time, the consequence of… Read more »

Do You Put Off Dental Visits?

What you do for your teeth between dental visits can have a significant influence on how healthy your teeth stay. With that being said, at-home care does not do enough for your oral health to replace checkups with your dentist. One reason these checkups are important is that your dentist can find a small problem,… Read more »

A CEREC Crown Can Mean Dental Relief In Less Time

It would be hard to find anyone who wishes it would take more time to resolve a dental problem. In cases where a person needs more advanced restorative work done, a dental crown is commonly required to protect the problem tooth. In the past, you would have to wait until the crown was developed to… Read more »

Pain Relief From Your Dentist

Trying to “grin and bear it” when it comes to tooth pain could leave you at the mercy of a worsening problem. You could have one of many excuses for failing to have a problem examined – you could have trouble dedicating time for a visit, or feel the problem is only temporary. What you… Read more »

Replacing Metal Fillings With Composite Resin

A filling that is made from composite resin can do an effective job of restoring your tooth after a cavity. It has the ability to look like your own natural enamel, and it is capable of bonding with your tooth. You may have an older filling that is not made from this material. In the… Read more »

What's Influencing Your Cavity Risk?

Cavity risks vary from person to person – one potential issue could be a serious problem for you, but have little effect on another person. You can work with your dentist to develop a full understanding and appreciation of your particular risks. That being said, there are common threats to your teeth that should be… Read more »

Preventing Serious Tooth Decay

Your goal should be to avoid tooth decay entirely, with diligence and regular visits to your dentist. If you do have a cavity form on your tooth, you should make sure to have it treated before it becomes serious. Because so many adults will develop a cavity in their lifetime, it is important to understand… Read more »