If you choose to ignore a cavity, you can count on your tooth’s health to worsen as time passes. Eventually, decay will cause an infection that causes considerable discomfort. You can also experience swelling of your gums around the tooth, or notice a change in its color. An untreated cavity will eventually damage your tooth… Read more »
Category: Restorative Dentistry
What Keeps A Dental Bridge From Shifting Or Coming Loose?
A prosthetic dental appliance can give you back your complete smile, and it can help you bite and chew with greater comfort. To provide functional benefits, a restoration should be secure enough to stay stable over the years. Dental bridges are able to stay in place without the need for oral surgery, as they are… Read more »
3 Reasons To Make Cavity Treatment A Priority
Are you setting the right priorities when it comes to your oral health? If your smile is healthy, and you wish to keep it that way, you should carve out time every day to effectively clean your smile. You should also be committed to diet choices that minimize your risk for developing issues with tooth… Read more »
Discuss Concerns About Your Bite Function With Your Dentist
The health of your jaw, and your ability to bite and chew without discomfort, can have significant impact on your daily life. TMJ disorder is a term used to discuss problems that impact a person’s jaw health and movement. If you struggle with this issue, you can suffer an increase in headaches, and struggle with… Read more »
Improve Your Smile By Restoring Damaged Or Misshapen Teeth
If you have lost confidence in your smile because of misshapen or damaged teeth, you should know that treatment can have lasting benefits. Even one flawed tooth is enough to create a problem with your appearance, as it can make your smile appear asymmetrical. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are prepared to help… Read more »
3 Issues That Can Give A Person Problems With Bad Breath
You can have a hard time feeling social, or confident, if you are aware that you have a problem with bad breath. Sure, it can happen to just about anyone who happened to eat a meal with strong flavors or odors, but it can be a sign of trouble if it is a recurring issue,… Read more »
The Benefits Of Cavity Treatment With Metal-Free Fillings
When a cavity has formed on a person’s tooth, there is no way for them to fully recover without having a permanent restoration put in place. Restorations are used during these treatments because the damage done by a cavity causes irreversible harm to your tooth structure. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can address… Read more »
What Can Your Dentist Do If You Have A Broken Dental Crown?
A dental crown is meant to provide lasting support for a tooth that experienced trouble with decay, or one that has been physically injured. When a restoration breaks, loosens, or is completely lost, the tooth is once again left in a vulnerable state, which is why you should treat the problem as an oral health… Read more »
Finding The Cause Of Persistent Dental Pain
If your recent meals have been less enjoyable because of a pain in a tooth, or discomfort and stiffness that affect your jaw, you should be concerned about your oral health. Even a relatively minor issue with dental discomfort can be difficult to ignore when you try to eat. Choosing to ignore the matter can… Read more »
How Much Harm Can A Cavity Cause Your Tooth?
While some patients who undergo cavity treatment only have a small amount of dental damage to address, others may need more involved work. In some cases, it may even be necessary to address damage or infection in the central chamber of a patient’s tooth because of decay! The reason some treatments are more involved is… Read more »