The Best Way to Replace a Lost Tooth

After losing a tooth, you might instinctively know that the best thing you can do for your smile is to replace it. However, unless you’ve dealt with tooth loss before, you might know exactly what that entails, or what the best method for replacing your lost tooth should be. At our dental office in Sheridan, WY, we often recommend a dental implant-supported prosthetic crown, which can offer the most comprehensive and realistic option for replacing a lost tooth. The implant post replaces the lost tooth’s root, while the custom-designed crown restores the visible portion of the tooth.

Consider your entire lost tooth

When choosing a replacement tooth, your most immediate concern may be how well the replacement will restore your smile’s appearance. That’s because the visible effect can have an impact on your overall self-confidence, as well as on your ability to bite and chew your food or enunciate your words clearly. However, your lost tooth also means a lost tooth root, which you can’t see but is vital to your long-term oral health. A tooth’s root not only supports its visible crown, but also promotes a strong and healthier smile by stimulating your jawbone every time you bite and chew.

The unique advantages of dental implants

With the importance of a tooth root in mind, it becomes clearer why traditional prosthesis that lack prosthetic roots can’t do as much as necessary to preserve your smile. This gives dental implants a unique advantage – as the only solution for replacing lost teeth roots, they’re the only option that gives you a truly lifelike prosthetic option. That means your replacement tooth will remain sturdier and more comfortable, and your jawbone will remain strong due to the reestablishment of root stimulation.

Dental implants and multiple lost teeth

While a single implant and crown can closely mimic a lost tooth, dental implants are also often ideal for resolving multiple tooth loss. A larger bridge can be situated on one or a series of dental implant posts, according to the prosthesis’ size. If you’ve lost all of the teeth on your dental ridge, then a complete denture can also be supported by a series of strategically placed implant posts. Because each implant is placed individually, they can be customized to meet any tooth loss need.

Replace your lost tooth with a dental implant

The best way to replace a lost tooth can depend on several unique factors, but in many cases, it’s with a dental implant and crown that closely mimics your healthy, natural tooth structure. For more information, schedule an appointment by calling Grinnell Street Dental at 307-672-7567. Our dentist’s office is located in Sheridan, WY, and we proudly serve patients from all surrounding communities, including Gillette, Billings, Miles City, and more.

Why Do I Need A Root Canal Treatment?

Why Do I Need A Root Canal Treatment?There was a time in recent history where the words, “root canal,” were used on television and movies to signify a serious dental treatment. If someone was having a bad day or needed the day off, they would invoke the words “root canal.” Modern dentistry, however, has made it so that in most cases a root canal treatment is quite routine. More importantly, a root canal treatment can play a significant role in restoring a severely damaged or decayed tooth. If you have been told you need a root canal treatment, it is important you heed the recommendation as it is often the last stop before a dental extraction. The dental team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY can help you restore your smile when necessary(more…)

Quiz Your Knowledge Of The Tooth Fairy

Quiz Your Knowledge Of The Tooth FairyThe Tooth Fairy is ranked right up there with Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny as being an iconic character in a child’s world. You may be many years after putting a tooth under your pillow in exchange for some money, but you may still be surprised by some interesting facts about the tooth fairy. This quiz about the Tooth Fairy is a great way to test your knowledge and learn new facts. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY can help give your facts and information about your own smile.  (more…)

Smile For The Health Of It

Smile For The Health Of It According to scientific researchers, the physical act of smiling can trigger multiple physiological reflexes in your body. Using the facial muscles to make a smile can trigger your brain to boost your mood and lower your stress hormones. These facts make the old adage, “fake it til you make it” true about smiles. Even if you are not feeling in a particularly happy mood, faking a smile can have the same positive effects on your mood. However, if you are embarrassed or self-conscious of your smile’s appearance, you could be losing out on these healthy smile benefits. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY can help you get your smile to a place where you want to show it off.  (more…)

New Year's Resolution: A Healthier Smile

New Year's Resolution: A Healthier Smile Are you one to make New Year’s Resolutions? If you do make a resolution, do you stick to it or do you give up after a month? It seems normal for many people to give up on a big resolution. However, we have a New Year’s Resolution idea that is good for your smile along with some tips to make it easier to stick with. Aiming for a healthier smile is a great way to keep your smile looking and feeling great, but it is also a great way to keep you in overall good health. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY is here to help you get that healthier smile in 2019.  (more…)

Gift Ideas For Promoting A Healthy Smile

Gift Ideas For Promoting A Healthy Smile If you are the type of person who finishes all of their Christmas shopping in July, you may not need any gift ideas. However, if you still have some gifts to buy, this list may provide some inspiration. We have a list of different types of gifts that can promote a healthy smile. So whether you are filling up a stocking with little bits of fun, buying an impressive gift for a loved one, or treating yourself, we have some healthy-smile gift ideas for you. Be sure to check in with the dental team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY to make sure you end 2018 with a strong, healthy smile.  (more…)

4 Issues That Dental Bonding Can Address

4 Issues That Dental Bonding Can AddressWhat is dental bonding? Dental bonding is the application of a composite resin material (the same as used in dental fillings) to the outer layer of your tooth. It is applied directly by your dentist before being sculpted, hardened, and polished to look like your natural tooth. It can be a great choice for addressing a cosmetic issue of a single tooth in your smile. Today we will outline the four main cosmetic issues that can be addressed using dental bonding. If you are ready to address issues with your smile’s health or appearance, contact the team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY.  (more…)

How Do Lasers Help With Cold Sore Treatment?

How Do Lasers Help With Cold Sore Treatment?Your oral health is not limited to what is inside your mouth. Your dentist can help you with your teeth and gums, but the outside of your mouth can be treated, too. The weather of fall and winter can be a trigger for cold sore breakouts. The dry weather outside and the dry heat inside from heaters can dry your lips to create a good environment for cold sores to erupt. Cold sores can be irritating and painful. They can also be unsightly, which can lead you to feeling insecure and less confident out in the world. While the virus that causes cold sores may never go away, you can effectively treat the outbreak of cold sores with laser technology. Your dentist in Sheridan, WY, can help you to find relief from your cold sore breakouts.  (more…)

World Diabetes Day And The Link To Oral Health

World Diabetes Day And The Link To Oral HealthNovember is National Diabetes Month in the United States and today, November 14th, is World Diabetes Day. The purpose of both the month and the day is to bring awareness to Type 1, Type 2, and gestational diabetes. The dental team here in Sheridan, WY wants to take this opportunity to educate you on the two-way relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease. Having a better understanding on this link between diseases can be important in maintaining your health.  (more…)

Is Teeth-Grinding Damaging Your Smile?

Is Teeth-Grinding Damaging Your Smile?Grinding your teeth is an unconscious habit for many people. It can happen because of stress and a clenched jaw. It can happen because of an improperly aligned bite. It usually happens while you are sleeping at night. Whatever the reason of habitual teeth-grinding (a condition also known as bruxism), it can cause damage to your smile. Bruxism can increase your risks of tooth breakage, tooth decay, and TMJ disorder. If you live in or near Sheridan, WY, and believe that you are grinding your teeth, it is important to talk to your dentist at Grinnell Street Dental.   (more…)