It seems like every advice article on staying healthy tells you to drink plenty of water. It can be good for your skin, your body, and your smile. Human bodies are made up of 60% of water, so staying hydrated is important. Hydration helps keep all of your bodily systems running smoothly, the nutrients distributed, the waste removed, and your muscles strong and healthy. Your dentist in Sheridan, WY, recommends drinking eight glasses of water for your body’s sake and for the health of your smile. (more…)
Why Does My Tooth Need A Filling?
Hearing that you have a cavity in your tooth can feel like pretty bad news especially if you do your best to take good care of your smile. Unfortunately, even with the most vigilant of oral hygiene, visits to the dentist, and mindful nutrition, tooth decay can happen in our smiles. It can happen for a variety of reasons ranging from your body’s natural pH balance in your smile to teeth-grinding has weakened your teeth to maybe you are missing a spot during your brushing or flossing. Whatever the reason you have tooth decay, a dental filling can help to stop it. Your dentist in Sheridan, WY, can help you treat tooth decay and protect your smile from future issues. (more…)
I Want To Update My Smile In A Hurry
Speed is not always a good thing. Speed is especially not always a good thing when it comes to dentistry. However, there are occasions when someone might want a fast update to their smile. For example, a big wedding in Sheridan, WY, or a big party out of the blue. Whatever the event is, if you want a smile update in a hurry, you have a couple of options. Cosmetic dentistry can be done in some instances (like whitening your teeth) in one visit and other options (like porcelain veneers) may take more planning time and more visits. The best way to update your smile is with advanced notice and plenty of time before your big event because surprises happen. (more…)
Am I Too Old To Straighten My Teeth?
Straightening your teeth is important at any age. Many people mistakenly believe that crooked teeth only affects the way that your smile looks, but the fact is, crooked teeth have negative effects on your smile’s health. Straightening your smile can lower the risk of these oral health problems, while also restoring your confidence in your smile’s appearance. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth that bother you, your dentist in Sheridan, WY, may be able to help you address it. Invisalign treatment can be a way for adults to straighten their smile without having to wear clunky metal braces that may make them feel even more insecure about their appearance. (more…)
Quiz: What Do You Know About Dental Implants?
Losing a tooth as an adult can be quite a different experience than you had when you lost a tooth as a child. The loss of permanent adult teeth can have negative and serious consequences for both your oral health and your smile’s appearance. Dental implants can play an effective and important role of restoring your smile after tooth loss. If you live in or near Sheridan, WY and have lost one or more teeth, it may be time to consider calling us for a dental implant. In the meantime, you can test your dental implant knowledge with this pop quiz! (more…)
How Can I Better Avoid Cavities?
The unfortunate facts about dental cavities is that about 90% of adult Americans will suffer from them. While cavities are not a part of the earliest stage of tooth decay, they are early enough that they can often be treated in time to save the tooth. Ignoring a cavity can lead to an infection or toothache that may require root canal treatment or worse, a dental extraction. The fortunate news is that cavities can often be avoided by having a good hygiene routine, making mindful choices with food and drink, and regularly visiting your dentist. (more…)
Should I Try An Electric Toothbrush?
Have you ever tried an electric toothbrush? Or have you gone your whole life just brushing your teeth with a plain old manual toothbrush? In many cases and for many people, a manual toothbrush does a great job at keeping smiles clean and healthy. However, there may be a few reasons why you may want to reach out on on electric limb. If you have been told that you brush too hard during your cleanings or exams, if you have joint issues or chronic pain, or if your manual toothbrush is ineffective, you may want to consider stepping up to an upgraded electric toothbrush. When in doubt, you can always talk to your dentist about what is best for your smile’s particular needs. (more…)
Ready For A Brighter, Whiter Smile?
Summer is here and everything is looking just a bit brighter. A brighter, whitened smile can be one of the fastest ways to get a boost in your appearance and your confidence. Working with your dentist to whiten your teeth can mean that issues like sensitivity can be monitored and that your treatment can be customized. Depending on your specific needs, goals, time frame, and budget, you and your dentist can decide on the best professional-grade whitening option for you. Based on your smile’s needs, you can choose between take-home treatment, an in-office treatment, or even other cosmetic dentistry treatments. (more…)
Issues Addressed By Porcelain Veneers
Just the act of smiling can be a great way to build confidence. If your smile makes you feel insecure enough to not smile, it can lessen your overall confidence. If you have specific issues with your smile’s appearance like deep discoloration, uneven gaps or spacing, or cosmetic damage, cosmetic dentistry may be able to help you update your smile. Porcelain veneers can be a great type of cosmetic dentistry if you need to address several teeth with several cosmetic issues. (more…)
Do I Have TMJ Disorder?
TMJ disorder, which encapsulates a range of issues that affect your temporomandibular joints (TMJs). These joints connect your lower jaw to your skull and provide movement for your mouth. TMJ disorder can make opening and closing your mouth difficult and lead to chronic discomfort. The disorder has a wide range of symptoms that can sometimes be difficult to diagnose as TMJ disorder. Some people live with constant headaches or face pain for years without ever realizing that it could be stemming from their jaw. While your dentist can best help you with a diagnosis, there are some signs to look out for that may be pointing toward TMJ disorder. (more…)