You face many difficulties during your teenage years. Social struggles and body changes can alter your dental care and health. Drs. Donald, Justin, and Cody Coon can help keep your smile healthy throughout all stages of life.
Social Behaviors
Teenagers experiment with different habits in the hopes of “fitting in” or being socially accepted. Despite all the health warnings, many teens consider smoking. Smoking can cause stained teeth, bad breath, gum disease, and oral cancer. Older peers also encourage youth to experiment with alcohol, which contributes to dry mouth and bad breath. Teenagers are always focused on the coolest fashions, and oral piercings are a common fashion misconception. Tongue and lip piercings can cause oral swelling, infection, and chipped teeth. Furthermore, as their bodies change, many teenagers develop unhealthy eating patterns and eating disorders. Bulimia and other purging disorders can cause enamel erosion, stained teeth, and halitosis.