Sheridan Dentists—The Dangerous Gum Disease Molecule

bad bacteriaThe beginnings of most dental diseases, including destructive gum disease, can often be traced to the excessive buildup of dental plaque, which contains myriad kinds of oral bacteria that can prove harmful to your teeth and oral tissues. By understanding these microorganisms and the processes that make them dangerous, you can better prepare yourself to protect your smile from most dental issues. By examining these mechanisms, however, experts have also learned that the progression of dental diseases can also prove dangerous to your systemic wellbeing. Today, your Sheridan dentists explore one notorious oral bacterium—Porphyromonas gingivalis—and how it can contribute to gum disease and an increased risk to your cardiovascular health.

Introducing Porphyromonas gingivalis

Porphyromonas gingivalis is a significant contributor to dental plaque, along with over 600 other different kinds of oral bacteria. To survive, P. gingivalis manipulates your immune system’s defenses, specifically inflammation, and causes excessive swelling of your gum tissues. Bacterial irritation can cause your gums to recede from your teeth, creating pockets for more germs to accumulate, and inflammation can exacerbate the damage, leading to the onset of gum disease and the destruction of the gums and jawbone that support your teeth.

Gum Disease and Cardiovascular Health

When oral tissues are compromised by disease, such as bleeding gums due to gum disease, the bacteria in your mouth can enter your bloodstream through the wound. Numerous studies have been conducted to measure the extent and specifics of the oral-systemic connection, and suggest that the inflammation due to P. gingivalis infection can be a significant risk factor to certain heart diseases, which often involve inflamed arteries and heart tissues.

Learn How to Prevent & Control Gum Disease with Your Sheridan Dentists

The most effective method of preventing gum disease, or controlling it once it develops, is to maintain a strict and effective oral hygiene routine. Be sure to brush your teeth at least twice every day and floss at least once, preferable before going to bed. Visit your Sheridan dentists at least once every six months for a routine dental checkup and cleaning, and for periodontal maintenance if your gums at risk for disease. To learn more about gum disease, schedule a consultation by contacting Grinnell Street Dental at (307) 672-7567. Located in the 82801 are, we welcome patients from Sheridan, WY and all surrounding communities.