Category: Dental Health

Be Aware Of The Effects Caffeine Can Have On Your Smile

How likely are you to turn to your coffee maker when you need help waking up in the morning? Do you regularly have a mug at your side while you work? Caffeine’s ability to perk a person up has made it a staple in many people’s diets. Unfortunately, too many caffeinated beverages can become a… Read more »

3 Issues That Can Give A Person Problems With Bad Breath

You can have a hard time feeling social, or confident, if you are aware that you have a problem with bad breath. Sure, it can happen to just about anyone who happened to eat a meal with strong flavors or odors, but it can be a sign of trouble if it is a recurring issue,… Read more »

The Benefits Of Cavity Treatment With Metal-Free Fillings

When a cavity has formed on a person’s tooth, there is no way for them to fully recover without having a permanent restoration put in place. Restorations are used during these treatments because the damage done by a cavity causes irreversible harm to your tooth structure. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can address… Read more »

Is It Time To Start Using A New Toothbrush?

When did you start using your current toothbrush, and how much longer should you rely on it before picking up a replacement? As time passes, the bristles of a brush can begin to wear down from repeated uses. You should pick up a new one after three months of use. By doing so, you can… Read more »

How Flossing Improves Your Ability To Protect Your Smile

Are you as safe from cavities as you could be, or as you should be? The answer to this question can depend on several factors. Your brushing habits obviously matter, as well as your diet choices, and even the natural strength of your enamel. You should also remember that flossing has a role to play… Read more »

Can Sleep Deprivation Become An Issue For Your Smile?

If you are having a hard time falling asleep at night, or if you give yourself too little time to sleep before you have to wake, you may start to experience issues with your energy levels and mood. Sleep deprivation can lead to irritability, fatigue, issues with focus, and – if the problem goes on… Read more »

We Have Tips To Help You Prevent Plaque And Tartar Buildup

If you are bothered by recent troubles with tooth decay and gum disease, it may be time to question your current effort to stop plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque and tartar deposits can make you vulnerable to dental problems, and the buildup of harmful agents at your gum line can create a risk for gingivitis…. Read more »

How Do I Deal With A Loose Or Lost Tooth Filling?

A tooth filling, once placed, is meant to be a permanent presence. Fillings make it possible to restore a tooth that has been treated for a cavity – because your enamel is not able to heal from this decay on its own, it will always require support. Patients can look forward to long-term support from… Read more »

Should You Cut Back On Soda To Protect Your Smile?

While people who worry about soda’s effect on teeth emphasize the harm of sugar, there are other reasons to be wary of this beverage type. Colorful liquids like cola can leave stains behind on your enamel, and this can lead to frustrating dental discoloration. The acidity of these drinks is also a potential cause for… Read more »

How Much Harm Can Halloween Candy Do To Your Teeth?

If you have made a trip to the grocery store recently, you probably noticed a few shelves practically spilling over with Halloween candy. Even though the holiday itself is not until the end of the month, you can expect to see holiday treats become increasingly available throughout October. If you want to protect your teeth,… Read more »