Is It Time To Change Up My Approach To Dental Care?

If your approach to oral hygiene has consistently protected you against problems like tooth decay in the past, can you assume that your smile will remain safe from harm? Is it possible that your ability to avoid cavities, gum disease, and other problems will change as you age? Physical changes are a fact of aging, but the right commitment to preventive care can help you avoid frustrating problems. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can offer guidance if you have concerns about your current routine. We are also ready to respond to any problems that require restorative services, as we provide dental crowns and dental fillings that keep teeth safe and secure without changing their appearance!

Your Resistance To Cavities May Change As Time Passes

Small changes in your cavity, reactions to certain medications, and the gradual erosion of your enamel can have an effect on your ability to prevent cavities. What this means is that you may start to have a more difficult time preventing the formation of decay, even though you have remained consistent about your efforts to keep your teeth clean. Fortunately, you can receive helpful feedback about your smile, and talk about your concerns, during your routine checkups.

Remember That Good Oral Hygiene Calls For Smart Diet Choices

Has your diet started to change? People sometimes overlook just how much influence their meal choices are when it comes to controlling their risk for dental decay. To reduce your cavity troubles, look for ways to cut back on sugar. If you regularly drink soft drinks, know that cutting them out can reduce your risk for cavities as well as teeth stains. Soda can be a particular concern because these drinks are acidic as well as packed with sugar – exposure to more acidic items can weaken your enamel.

Stay Consistent With Regular Dental Appointments

If you want to stay informed about the state of your smile, stay consistent with regular dental checkups. At these appointments, your dentist can share feedback about any changes in your smile that should be a concern. This means more than just watching out for problems with decay. We can also recognize signs of TMJ disorder that might be present. Treating this issue can alleviate jaw pains and aches, plus it can help you control issues with teeth grinding.

Our Sheridan, WY Dentist’s Office Can Help You Maintain Your Smile!

Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help patients who want to make sure their teeth remain in good health. If you have questions about your current routine, feel that your smile is harder to maintain, or have any other concerns about your smile, let us know! You can contact Grinnell Street Dental by calling 307-672-7567.