Trying to simply put up with the aches and pains caused by TMJ disorder can be difficult. The problem can affect the comfort with which you are able to bite and chew food, as well as your ability to speak naturally and without pain. It can also be the reason behind your headaches, problems with neck pain, and habitual teeth grinding. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are able to provide a solution to troubles associated with TMJ disorder. Custom oral appliances can be designed to help patients alleviate tension linked to poor jaw joint alignment and stress. With your appliance, you can put a stop to chronic discomfort and enjoy jaw movement without pain! (more…)
We Have The Ability To Make Your Dental Crown At Our Office
A problem with your dental health should receive your attention, and prompt care. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can help you take care of an injured or cavity-affected tooth by performing any restorative work that might be appropriate. In order to protect a tooth after treatment, we provide lifelike restorations that can allow you to bite and chew without worrying about hurting the tooth again. Many dental practices that place dental crowns for patients have to wait for a third party lab to actually produce the restoration for them. At our practice, we can actually shorten your treatment time by creating your dental crown in our office! (more…)
A Filling Can Restore Your Tooth Without Hurting Your Smile
With restorative dental work, a tooth affected by dental decay can be saved. While your dentist can take on a problem with a tooth’s health, can they also preserve its appearance? At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we are able to take on a problem like tooth decay without changing the way you look. In order to restore a tooth damaged by a cavity, we can provide a tooth-colored dental filling. This filling is made from a composite resin substance that can match the color and texture of the enamel that surrounds it. This ensures that it is difficult to notice, so your smile is not compromised by its presence! The material is also biocompatible, so it bonds with your enamel for lasting stability. (more…)
Cosmetic Dental Services Can Deliver Long-Term Improvements
Have you been losing confidence in your smile, or have you become embarrassed by an unsightly problem with a tooth? Issues with the appearance of your teeth can be hard to hide, and unfortunately they can be long-lasting. What this means is that without some form of treatment, you can be stuck with problems that make you unhappy with the way you look. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, individuals who feel unhappy with their appearance can be excited by the benefits of cosmetic dental work. With the right procedure, we can take on concerns you might have about the color of your teeth, their shape, size, or even their alignment! The goal with any treatment is to provide lasting results, which means you can sustain the boost in confidence a procedure provides. (more…)
Bring Us Your Questions About Implant Dentistry!
With a modern dental prosthetic, an individual who has experienced tooth loss can enjoy the presence of a restoration that gives them a renewed feeling of confidence in their appearance. With a lifelike appliance in place, you can find yourself smiling and speaking with more comfort as you no longer reveal an awkward space where a tooth was once located. With the benefits of implant dentistry, you can actually enjoy a restoration that provides impressive bite support, as well as comfort throughout the day. A dental implant makes it possible to permanently hold a tooth in place without affecting its neighbors. Your Sheridan, WY dentist can talk with you about the benefits of implants in prosthetic dental work, and help you determine if this is the right restorative solution for you. (more…)
We Can Address Issues That Cause Dental Discomfort
You should be concerned if you have a hard time biting and chewing without discomfort, or if you have a persistent pain in a tooth. Signs of poor dental health should be addressed, as a problem can grow worse over time if it is not treated by a dental professional. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we can help you deal with problems that seem linked to your jaw, as well as issues of tooth sensitivity or pain. After a review, we can talk to you about why you are experiencing problems, and we can recommend an appropriate solution. Jaw problems are often linked to TMJ disorder, something we can address with a custom appliance. If you have dental pain or sensitivity, we can check to see if there is a problem with your tooth that might require a dental filling or dental crown. (more…)
Should You Bring Up Porcelain Veneers With Your Dentist?
If you feel unhappy with the appearance of your smile and want to do something about the matter, you should look into cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dental services are focused on making changes to the shape, color, and even size of teeth in order to make a person more comfortable with their appearance. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, we have multiple procedures we can perform to make you more comfortable with your smile. Among those treatments is the placement of custom porcelain veneers. Veneers have been popular with patients because they are able to hide multiple flaws at one time, which means you can see all of your desired changes through just one procedure! (more…)
Are You Doing A Poor Job Cleaning Between Your Teeth?
It is difficult for us to look closely at the spaces between our teeth. Unfortunately, it is also common for people to effectively overlook these spaces when they practice daily oral hygiene. If you are brushing regularly but not flossing, those spaces between your teeth can be poorly served, which can lead to a greater risk for problems with tooth decay and gum disease. Your Sheridan, WY dentist is able to examine your full smile during a routine dental appointment, so issues with these areas can be addressed. With that said, you should be putting effort into cleaning every portion of every tooth, as leaving spaces poorly treated can make it more likely that you will need treatment for problems at future appointments. (more…)
3 Tips To Help You Prevent A Future Cavity
Are you familiar with the process of treating a cavity? If you have experienced issues with tooth decay in the past, you may be clear on what has to happen to protect a tooth that required restorative dental work. To properly treat the problem, a permanent restoration has to be put in place after the removal of decay, as the damage to your tooth structure is permanent. In order to avoid this permanent damage in the future, it is important to pay attention to your ongoing oral care habits. Whether you have had several cavities or none at all, a review of your oral hygiene habits can be beneficial. Remember that in addition to providing professional care during routine dental appointments, your Sheridan, WY dentist can talk with you about better oral health habits at home. (more…)
What To Expect When You Plan A Full-Mouth Reconstruction
When you first look into a full-mouth reconstruction, the idea can be both exciting and intimidating. While it can be a relief to think that you can regain confidence in your smile, you may worry about how time-consuming or difficult the experience might be. At our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office, individuals who might benefit from a full-mouth reconstruction can find that the process is easier to undergo than they expect. The process can begin with your dentist taking on the most serious oral health threats that affect you, but it can cover all concerns, including those issues that might call for cosmetic dentistry. At the end of your custom treatment plan, we can help you feel comfortable with the way you look, as well as the support you can expect from your bite function. (more…)