For people who worry about what kind of experience they might have with metal braces, the prospect of orthodontic work can be less than appealing. While conventional braces are useful at correcting many different issues with dental alignment, they may not feel like the right solution for many people who want to even out teeth… Read more »
Category: Invisalign
Why Your Invisalign Treatment Is Taking So Long
Why is your Invisalign treatment taking such a long time, you wonder? While the predicted course of treatment may vary a bit as you go, and while you really shouldn’t compare your treatment duration to that of a friend or family member, one thing is certain: Aside from these considerations, there are most definitely things… Read more »
Do I Need To Straighten My Teeth?
There is a common misconception that crooked, misaligned teeth only affect the appearance. Therefore many people think that if they don’t mind not having straight teeth then there is no reason to bother with them. The fact of the matter is that crooked teeth can be at a higher risk of oral health problems, which… Read more »
Can I Straighten My Teeth At My Age?
There is a very common misconception that straightening teeth is only an option for teenagers and adolescents. Thankfully in recent years, that misconception is starting to be broken by more and more adults opting for some form of orthodontic treatment. The fact of the matter is that a crooked smile does not only affect the… Read more »
Am I Too Old To Straighten My Teeth?
Straightening your teeth is important at any age. Many people mistakenly believe that crooked teeth only affects the way that your smile looks, but the fact is, crooked teeth have negative effects on your smile’s health. Straightening your smile can lower the risk of these oral health problems, while also restoring your confidence in your… Read more »
Straightening Your Smile For The Health Of It
If you have a smile that is crooked or awkwardly spaced, it may make you feel insecure and less confident to show the world that you are happy or laughing. Just the act of smiling can actually stimulate nerves that can affect your emotions to make you feel better. These are the reasons the way… Read more »
Am I Too Old To Straighten My Smile?
Many adults with a crooked smile find themselves asking, “am I too old to straighten my smile?.” Movies and television have filled our heads with the images of teenagers wearing braces and headgear, which makes many of us mistakenly believe that straightening our smiles is strictly for adolescents. While Invisalign treatment is appropriate for kids… Read more »
4 Tips For Succeeding With Invisalign
Whether you have just started your treatment with Invisalign, you are in the middle of your journey, or you are still considering whether to do it, there are some very important things to remember to get the most out of your Invisilign treatment. With the invisible aligners, the success of the treatment lies in your… Read more »
Straighten Your Crooked Teeth Without Metal
You lead a super busy life filled with family, friends, and fun. You don’t want your crooked teeth to keep you from smiling as big and brightly as you can. Besides that, you don’t want malocclusion to disrupt the quality of your bite and do further damage to your teeth over time. Braces seem like… Read more »
How Invisalign Corrects Your Alignment Issues
Is there a way to enjoy straightened teeth without resorting to conspicuous metal braces? For people with milder alignment issues, Invisalign can make corrections to your teeth, and do not require a notable change in your appearance. The Invisalign aligners are constructed with clear plastic. The material is difficult enough to see for you to wear… Read more »