Have you been living with a less than optimal smile your whole life? Does restoring your oral health require more than just a crown or filling can accomplish? If your mouth has suffered extensive damage and needs a complete overhaul, your dentist can provide you with full-mouth rehabilitation. Full-mouth rehabilitation can repair and improve your overall oral health, including your teeth, gums, bite, jawbone, jaw joints, and muscles. How does your dentist accomplish this? (more…)
Do You Feel Your Smile Could Be Whiter?
The goal of regularly visiting your dentist for dental treatment is to keep your smile healthy and free of dental diseases like tooth decay or gingivitis. Although your overall oral health takes top priority, it’s also important that you feel confident in your smile. Over time, your teeth can begin to stain after years of exposure to colorful foods and beverages. Stains usually aren’t a major issue and erasing them is often as easy as one visit with your dentist. If you feel your smile could be whiter, talk to your dentist about teeth whitening. (more…)
Straighten Your Crooked Teeth Without Metal
You lead a super busy life filled with family, friends, and fun. You don’t want your crooked teeth to keep you from smiling as big and brightly as you can. Besides that, you don’t want malocclusion to disrupt the quality of your bite and do further damage to your teeth over time. Braces seem like they’re the only option, but big, clunky metal brackets are the last thing you want to deal with. Thankfully, your dentist can offer you a solution to straighten your crooked teeth without metal. (more…)
Ways To Help Your Waistline And Your Smile
The weather is begging to warm up outside, which means that beach season is just around the corner. You want to make sure that you have the best body you can for that two-piece that’s been sitting in the closet, waiting to bust out. That is an admirable goal. Dieting can be difficult, but there are some simple changes you can make that will not only help you shed the pounds, but also help keep your smile healthy. Here are a few ways to help your waistline and your smile. (more…)
Improve Your Brushing With These Tips
Your teeth do so much for you and your body. They chew your food so you can digest it and stay energized, they help maintain your facial structure, and they let you express yourself with a nice big smile. You owe it to your teeth to give them the best care possible. Doing that starts with the daily act of brushing your teeth. Are you doing the best job possible? There may be room to improve your habits. Thankfully, you can improve your brushing with these tips. (more…)
Tips To Improve Your Flossing
It happens to all of us at some point when we visit our dentists. They ask us those four words we dread to hear: “Have you been flossing?”. People tend to skip flossing because they think their toothbrush does a good enough job or they might find flossing to be too complicated to perform. Neither of these is true. It is absolutely necessary to keep your teeth healthy. Flossing is the only way to remove the plaque and bacteria that gathers between your teeth. Here are some tips to improve your flossing. (more…)
How Do I Prevent Gum Disease?
Studies from the Centers for Disease Control reveal the extent of gum disease’s threat. Half of adults in the United States suffer from some stage of the disease. Without treatment, the risk of adult tooth loss grows. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent gum disease from developing.
Consider The Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry
Have you been ashamed of your smile lately because of a chipped tooth? Have you always been self-conscious about your discolored teeth and want to brighten them up? Are you tired of your crooked, misaligned teeth but don’t want to wear clunky metal braces? If you’re suffering from any of these or possibly other cosmetic issues with your teeth, then you should consider the benefits of cosmetic dentistry with your dentist. Your dentist can help give you a smile to be proud of. (more…)
Should I Get A Dental Crown Or Filling?
If you’ve developed a cavity or have a cracked or damaged tooth, you should consult with your dentist about getting a dental crown or filling. Both can accomplish the same goals but achieve them through different methods. Understanding the differences between each treatment can help you choose which will work best for you. Discussing these options with your dentist is the most important part but knowing what differentiates the two before your appointment can help give you better insight between fillings and dental crowns. (more…)
Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening
The goal of routine dental treatment is to keep your smile healthy and free of dental diseases like tooth decay or gingivitis. Although your overall oral health is most important, feeling confident in your smile’s appearance is a large matter as well. Over time, your teeth might start to stain after years of exposure to colorful foods and beverages. Stains aren’t usually a big problem and erasing them is often easy as one visit with your dentist. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, you should ask your dentist about teeth whitening during your next visit. (more…)