Over time and throughout your life, your mouth and smile can take on quite a bit of damage. Whether from decay, injury, accidents, or just aging and wear, your smile may not look the way it used to look. A full-mouth rehabilitation is a comprehensive overhaul of your smile. A full-mouth rehabilitation can address both health issues and cosmetic ones. To update your smile, you and your dentist will first decide what your mouth’s needs are, what your smile goals are, and how you want to get there. A full-mouth rehabilitation may include several different treatments spread across multiple consultations and appointments with your dentist. (more…)
Do You Have Questions About Teeth Whitening?
If you have discoloration, then you may be uncomfortable showing off your smile, especially with the holiday season coming up. Fortunately, we can help you enjoy a more attractive smile by removing these stains using cosmetic treatment. Do you have questions about our teeth whitening procedure?
Can Porcelain Veneers Upgrade My Smile?
Some flaws in your smile are not flaws at all. Maybe you have a small gap that you feel makes your smile unique and different from everyone else’s. A flaw is only a flaw for two reasons: that it makes you feel insecure or that it causes problems with your health. If you have issues with the appearance of your smile that make you feel self-conscious about smiling, talking, or laughing, it may be time to consider a smile upgrade. Porcelain veneers can be a good option when you are looking to refresh your smile’s appearance. (more…)
Potential Damage From Grinding Your Teeth
Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism, is an incredibly common sleep disorder. If it happens during your sleep, how do you know if you have it? Do you wake up with a sore jaw or sore teeth? Do you frequently wake up tired after a full night of sleep? Do you seem to always wake up with a headache? Are your teeth sensitive to cold, hot, or sweet foods? These are all signs that you may be grinding your teeth while you sleep. Did you know that grinding your teeth could potentially be causing a lot of damage to your teeth, mouth, and even jaw. (more…)
Keep Your Smile Healthy In Autumn
Autumn marks the end of the bathing suit weather of summer and the beginning of the indulgent holiday season. Treats start being passed out at home, work, and school; the season of indulgence usually keeps going until the New Year’s Resolutions kick in. So, with all of these treats abound, how do you keep from pulling a trick on your smile’s health? We have compiled a list of easy tips and reminders to keep you from falling too far down the sugary well. Remember that moderation is key and your smile’s health is important. (more…)
4 Tips For Succeeding With Invisalign
Whether you have just started your treatment with Invisalign, you are in the middle of your journey, or you are still considering whether to do it, there are some very important things to remember to get the most out of your Invisilign treatment. With the invisible aligners, the success of the treatment lies in your hands. If you are investing your time and money into a treatment, you want to make sure that you come out of it at the end with a straighter, more beautiful smile, right? We have made a list of the four top tips to help you get the most out of your Invisalign journey. (more…)
The Importance Of Implants
Losing even just one tooth can have detrimental impacts on your oral health. Not only does a missing tooth cause a void in the appearance of your smile, but it can limit your chewing, biting, and speaking abilities. More detrimental though is the effect that a missing tooth has on your jaw bone. A missing tooth can lead to a loss of bone density in your jaw. Replacing a tooth with a dental implant can restore the appearance of your smile, bring back your abilities to chew, bite, and speak, and prevent premature bone loss. (more…)
What Is Full-Mouth Rehabilitation?
Throughout your life, your smile can take on quite a bit of damage. Whether by accidents, decay, injury, or just general aging and wear, your smile may not look the way it once did. A full-mouth rehabilitation is a comprehensive overhaul of your smile; it can correct both health issues and cosmetic ones. With a full-mouth rehabilitation, you and your dentist will decide on what your mouth’s needs are, what your goals are, and how you want to get there. A full-mouth rehabilitation may include many different treatments spread across multiple consultations and visits to your dentist. (more…)
A Filling Can Stop A Cavity From Progressing
Tooth decay is a progressive disease, which means that it will continue to get worse until it is treated. Decay attacks the enamel of the tooth; in the early stage, it will appear as white spots on your enamel. Eventually the attack will lead to a cavity, which means that the decay has broken through the enamel. Once it breaks through the tooth, it cannot be reversed. An early cavity will likely cause no pain, so it may go unnoticed. The cavity will continue to grow, which leaves the tooth vulnerable to breakage. Without a filling, the decay will continue to progress within the tooth. (more…)
Is It Possible To Get A Crown In One Visit?
A dental crown is permanent protection for a vulnerable tooth. A crown restores your tooth’s ability to bite and chew. It can restore the appearance of your smile, and depending on the location, may restore your ability to speak clearly. A crown offers protection to teeth that have been severely damaged from decay or injury. If a vulnerable tooth is left exposed without a crown, it is left susceptible to further decay or damage. Ultimately, a vulnerable tooth left without a crown is left vulnerable to extraction. Rather than leaving it up for loss, a crown can protect it. Can you get a crown in one visit? (more…)