Can Chewing Decrease your Risk for Dementia?

Older Couple OutdoorsChewing is a natural instinct, like breathing. Of course, if you have jaw pain or bite your tongue, the hundreds of times you chew every day without a second thought will suddenly become uncomfortable. As the years pass and people inevitably age, chewing food may no longer remain a given, due to missing teeth and the lack of resources (or desire) to replace them. One scientific research study from the Department of Odontology and the Aging Research Center at the Karolinska Institutet focused on a link between chewing and dementia.

Brain Stimulation, no Matter the Age

These days, more people are living well into their eighties, nineties, and even past 100. Advances in medicine and technology have made it easier to live longer. Unfortunately, our anatomy is not necessarily meant to last that long. Oral health in relation to our overall well-being is referred to as oral-systemic health. The research team at Baylor College of Medicine found that brain function is stimulated through chewing even in young people. In fact, in another study, students who chewed gum while performing school work showed better standardized math scores than a control group which did not chew anything during testing.

Study Conclusions

Chewing increases blood flow to your brain. When someone has missing, or no teeth left in their mouth, they have a decision whether or not to replace them. If you don’t make that effort, you are simply going to chew less. You are likely to stick to softer foods, or even lean towards liquid diet. Less blood flow to the brain is theorized to lead to a rapid descent into dementia for most aging patients. The Swedish scientists at the Karolinska Institutet set out to highlight the impact of tooth loss on brain function. The team collected data and surveys from a total of 557 elderly people over the age of 77. The conclusion of the research led to data showing a higher risk of developing dementia (including Alzheimer’s Disease) seen in patients incapable of masticating hard foods because of missing teeth.

Visit your Sheridan Dentist

To learn about protecting your oral health, schedule a consultation at Grinnell Street Dental by contacting our Sheridan dentist office at (307) 672-7567. We welcome patients from Sheridan, WY and the surrounding communities.

Is Natural Tooth Renewal Possible?

Alligator TeethFascinating scientific research studies are underway all the time to improve medical fields such as dentistry. Through the work of researchers over the years, we have found out the importance of compounds such as fluoride and dental sealants. Research has allowed dental scientists to come up with better materials for making restorations and dental implants appear aesthetically pleasing while remaining durable. Recent research performed at the University of Southern California (USC) is one of the first steps in learning how stem cells can help regenerate teeth in the same manner that certain animals do in nature.

Human Tooth Replacement of the Future

A global team of researchers led by USC pathology Professor Cheng-Ming Chuong, M.D., Ph.D discovered that “Specialized stem cell niche enables repetitive renewal of alligator teeth.” The research results were published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. This publication is the official journal of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Professor Chuong pointed out that humans only generate teeth twice in the average life span. The first is when primary (baby) teeth gradually erupt in babies and toddlers. After they fall out one-at-a-time, permanent teeth replace them. This is nothing when compared to the alligator. The research team isolated stem cells as the main reason for the natural regrowth of teeth which occurs when an alligator loses a tooth due to hunting or fighting.

Potential Regeneration in Humans

Alligators are among a plethora of animals who are able to regenerate teeth as many as 50 times throughout their life span. Dr. Chuong and his team utilized microscopic imaging to compartmentalize alligator teeth into three components. In the front, alligators have a set of current functioning teeth. Behind the current teeth are backup teeth waiting in the wings. Behind the backup teeth is dental lamina, which is comprised of stem cells. The scientists hope to isolate these cells in future research studies. Hopefully this will allow them to regenerate alligator teeth in a lab setting so they might do the same with human teeth in the future.

Visit your Sheridan Dentist

To learn about protecting your oral health, schedule a consultation at Grinnell Street Dental by contacting our Sheridan dentist office at (307) 672-7567. We welcome patients from Sheridan, WY and the surrounding communities.

Know your Enemies: Dental Plaque

CoupleBrushingRun your tongue over your teeth as  you read this. You may feel some lumps and bumps which are likely tartar buildup. Tartar is a hardened version of dental plaque. These biofilms cling to your teeth and gums. Identifying this unpleasant feeling is one thing. Taking action is another. Few people truly understand the formation and reason for plaque, or why the substance is as sticky as it is. Since plaque weakens tooth enamel and opens the door for tooth decay and gum disease, Sheridan dentist, Dr. Coon, would like to teach you more.

Dental Plaque Explained

One of the most important aspects to understanding dental plaque is knowing how it forms. Your mouth is host to over 600 different kinds of oral bacteria. Most of these germs are harmless, and some are even essential to the eco-system in your mouth. However, some bacteria are extremely detrimental to your oral health. These various germs gather together, multiplying and breeding and gaining strength from what you feed them. The accumulation of these germs leads to their fast consumption of sucrose (sugar) which is not only in the sweets you eat, but in breads, pastas, and fruits. Bacteria create acid as a by-product of a sugar binge, this mixes with more debris and the germs themselves, and the next thing you know, you have plaque. (more…)

Mouthwash for Better Oral Health

Mouthwash GirlMany people view mouthwash as a personal choice or a now and then thing. Dental professionals tend to have varying opinions about whether or not mouthwash will actually improve dental health. The truth is, just as with any products in American, there are good mouthwashes and bad ones. How do you know which one is right for you?

Mouthwash for Killing Oral Germs (more…)

Dental Implants Over Time

History TeacherAre you missing any teeth? Or do you already have dental implants in your mouth? As the leading tooth replacement option of modern times, it may seem to you that dental implants are a somewhat recent technological advancement. Believe it or not, the first dental implants actually date back more than 1,300 years. Of course, the technology has evolved greatly over time.

The Earliest Implants

The earliest recorded dental implants date back to the Ancient Mayans and Egyptians. These (more…)

A Diet for Healthier Teeth

HealthyFoodSugar may not technically cause cavities, but it sure doesn’t help you to maintain healthy teeth. The bacteria – Streptococcus mutans – which actually do cause tooth decay love sugar. Any food which contains large amounts of sucrose will increase acid production, creating larger amounts of sticky plaque. Plaque is a biofilm which clings to your teeth. If you don’t clean your teeth, after about 48 hours, plaque will turn into tartar. Tartar is the consistency of cement and collects at your gumline, creating inflammation and gum disease. You probably already have a pretty firm grasp on which foods to avoid. On the other hand Sheridan, WY dentist, Dr. Donald Coon would like to suggest some dietary additions which can help you attain good dental health.

A Side of Veggies, Hold the Steam

The nutritional reputation of vegetables is well earned. Raw vegetables require plenty of chewing which increases your salivary production. Excess saliva aids in the elimination of bacteria and food particles in your mouth. Ample salivary production also neutralizes acid. Plaque is a mixture of acid, food debris, and bacteria. Before it hardens into tartar, it can be relatively easy to clean off of your teeth. Beyond brushing and flossing, munching on raw vegetables provides a fibrous, sugar-free way of cleaning your mouth. Some of the best raw veggies for a natural teeth cleaning are:

  • Celery
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Broccoli

Dairy Good for your Teeth

Large quantities of cheese or ice cream are delicious, but full of saturated fat. If you can resist a binge on the most calorically dense of the dairy products and instead stick to reasonable portions, small amounts of dairy will strengthen teeth. Cheese helps maintain a healthy pH level ensuring that acid is neutralized before it can damage your smile. Cheddar, Swiss, brie, Gouda, and even processed American cheese are high in calcium which protects and coats your bone-like teeth.

Visit your Sheridan, WY Dentist

Are you concerned with your dental health?  Visit Dr. Coon to consult about any troubled areas in your smile. Contact Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at (307) 672-7567 to schedule your appointment.

Give your Teeth Less Space

DiastemaWhat do Sir Elton John, Arnold Schwarzenegger, David Letterman, and Madonna have in common? They are all proud wearers of diastemas. Diastema is the clinical term for a space between two or more teeth. Diastemas are most obvious when they occur prominently between the top two front teeth. While the aforementioned public figures may flaunt their tooth gaps in pride, many people are uncomfortable that they have significant spaces in their smile. Sheridan dentist, Dr. Donald Coon will tell you what you can do if you want to bridge your gaps. (more…)

Don’t Throw Away your Used Toothbrush

Toothbrush Cleaning KeyboardThe ADA (American Dental Association) recommends that you replace your used toothbrush (or electric toothbrush head) every three to four months, or sooner. Over the years, that adds up to quite a few toothbrushes tossed away. Is there any way to stretch out the life of your used toothbrushes so they don’t go completely to waste? Just because the brush is no longer effective for cleaning your teeth, doesn’t mean you have to throw it away. Sheridan dentist, Dr. Donald Coon offers you some suggestions for using a toothbrush to clean things other than your smile. (more…)

Clear Braces Straighten Teeth with Peace of Mind

InvisalignEven someone who you see as having perfect teeth may harbor personal issues with their smile. None of us is entirely without flaws. However, severely crooked teeth may require orthodontic treatment to avoid complications such as jaw issues or impossible dental hygiene. Some patients are fortunate enough to qualify for a type of innovative orthodontics which allow your efforts to remain a secret. Traditional bracket and wire metal braces are a thing of the past for some, thanks to Invisalign clear braces. Sheridan dentist, Dr. Coon can help (more…)

Nutritional Choices that Benefit Dental Health

VegetablesDuring this time of year as the sun beams brightly and swimsuit season is mere months away, many people are concerned about their weight. Did you know that brushing your teeth can actually dull your appetite? Talk about a double positive! However, no matter how great your oral hygiene is, if you’re snacking on junk food all day long, your dental health will suffer. Sheridan dentist, Dr. Donald Coon urges you to eat mindfully for optimal oral and overall health.

Snacking Wisely (more…)