Healthy Eating for a Healthy Smile (and a Healthy Body)

The month of March is National Nutrition Month, and the 2012 National Nutrition Month theme is Get Your Plate in Shape. As the month of March comes to a close, Sheridan dentists Dr. Donald Coon, Dr. Cody Coon, and Dr. Justin Coon urge you to get your own plate in shape to achieve optimal oral and overall health.

The Effects of Snacks on Your Dental Health

Even though a layer of tough enamel protects them, your teeth are very vulnerable to the foods and drinks you consume. Because of this, you need to pay attention to what you eat—avoid sugary, starchy, and acidic foods—and how you eat it.
For example, snacking throughout the day exposes your teeth to constant acid attack, so it’s better to eat three balanced meals rather than munch all day long. Still, if you must snack, healthy snacking is the way to go. Read on for some healthy snacking tips from your Sheridan dentists. (more…)

CEREC Dental Crowns from Your Sheridan Dentist

At Grinnell Street Dental, Sheridan dentists Dr. Cody Coon, Dr. Justin Coon, and Dr. Donald Coon offer top-of-the-line restorative dental procedures and treatments to help their patients restore optimal look, feel, function, and health to their smiles. One of these restorative dental procedures is dental crowns. Read on to find out more about dental crowns and how Dr. Coon uses advanced technology to restore his patients’ smiles.

What is a Dental Crown?

By definition, a dental crown is a custom-made restoration that fits over your whole tooth to take the place of the anatomical dental crown—the top portion of the tooth that appears above the gum line.
Often referred to as a dental cap, dental crowns repair appearance, strength, health, and function to a tooth that has been damaged by injury or decay or has undergone an extensive dental procedure like a root canal.
Once upon a time, dental crowns took two appointments to place—one appointment to prepare your tooth and place a temporary crown, and another appointment to place your permanent crown once it returned from fabrication at the state-of-the-art dental laboratory. Today, Sheridan dentist Dr. Coon is proud to offer CEREC one-visit dental crowns to his patients. (more…)

All About Dental Bridges from Your Sheridan Dentist

Do you have missing teeth that force you to hide your smile due to embarrassment? Have your surrounding teeth shifted to compensate for the missing teeth and now your smile and bite are misaligned? If so, Sheridan dentists Dr. Cody Coon, Dr. Justin Coon, and Dr. Donald Coon have a conservative and powerful solution for you: a dental bridge.

What is a Dental Bridge?

Much like a set of dentures or a dental implant, a dental bridge replaces a missing tooth or several missing teeth in row.
The difference between a dental bridge and a denture is that a bridge is fixed in place, meaning it functions just like a natural tooth without the chance of a loose or unstable fit. At Grinnell Street Dental, we offer two options when it comes to stabilizing your dental bridge—implant-retention and crown-retention. With an implant-retained bridge, a dental implant is placed within the socket of the missing tooth, and a lifelike dental bridge is attached. With a crown-retained dental bridge, crowns are placed on the teeth surrounding the space left by the missing tooth, and these abutment crowns hold the dental bridge in place as it truly bridges the gap between the supporting teeth. (more…)

Treating Gum Disease with Perio Protect at Grinnell Street Dental

At Grinnell Street Dental, Dr. Cody Coon, Dr. Justin Coon, and Dr. Donald Coon are dedicated to helping their patients achieve and maintain healthy teeth and gums. To do this, these Sheridan comprehensive care dentists aren’t afraid to do more than the tried-and-true preventive and general dental techniques. Today, we’d like to talk about one preventive dental treatment we use to help our patients maintain healthy smiles that you might not have heard of before: Perio Protect®.

What is Perio Protect®?

Perio Protect® is a customized, comprehensive system that is designed to help patients manage biofilms, which are communities of bacteria that colonize in the spaces—also known as periodontal pockets—between the teeth and gum tissue in gum disease-infested gums. The overall goal of the Perio Protect® method is to manage oral biofilm with minimally invasive dentistry for lasting oral health. (more…)

Achieve a Straight Smile at Grinnell Street Dental

Today is Valentine’s Day so hopefully you’ve already come up with the perfect present for your significant other. If not, however, or if you want to show your Valentine that you love them all year round, Sheridan, Wyoming dentists Dr. Cody Coon, Dr. Justin Coon, and Dr. Donald Coon have the perfect gift to help your partner—or yourself—achieve a beautiful smile.

Straighten Your Smile Without the Metal

As a professional, image-conscious adult, it’s no surprise that you want a natural-looking smile that’s beautiful and gives you self-confidence. If your smile woes are based on the position of your teeth however, these same image-conscious feelings may keep you from your dream smile because you don’t want to have a mouth full of metal braces. At Grinnell Street Dental, we have an alternative to traditional metal orthodontia: Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a revolutionary teeth straightening system that gives you the results of traditional braces without the burden and eyesore of a mouth full of metal. (more…)

I Want a Whiter Smile. What Are My Options?

Are your teeth dull or yellow in color? Do you have dental stains from years of drinking coffee and red wine, smoking, or the natural aging process?
If so, teeth whitening treatment can give you the bright, white smile you’re longing for and, as a result, instantly take years off of your appearance. Teeth whitening has quickly become the most popular cosmetic dental procedure and one of the most widely requested cosmetic enhancement procedures overall. Why? Because it works.

Two Options to Whiten Your Smile

At Grinnell Street Dental, we offer two very different teeth bleaching options, so you can choose the teeth whitening procedure that best fits your lifestyle needs and smile goals. These whitening treatments are at-home teeth whitening and in-office teeth whitening.
While the location of where these treatments are administered might sound like the only difference between these two teeth whitening treatments, they’re actually very different. At-home teeth whitening gives you the freedom to whiten your teeth at your own convenience in the privacy of your own home using a custom-made whitening tray and professional strength bleaching gel. (more…)

Cosmetic Dental Bonding from Your Sheridan, WY Dentist

Over the years, thanks to new technology and medical knowledge, cosmetic and restorative dentistry has become increasingly more complex. With countless advanced techniques and materials that are now available for Sheridan dentists Dr. Cody Coon, Dr. Justin Coon, and Dr. Donald Coon to makeover your smile, you have many options when it comes to your dental care. Cosmetic dental bonding is one of these options that achieves unparalleled functional and beautiful results, while remaining minimally invasive and more affordable than other dental procedures.

What is Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

Using high-quality composite dental resin—a biocompatible, tooth-colored, safe and durable material—cosmetic dental bonding corrects smile imperfections, such as gaps, chips, and permanent stains.
During your bonding procedure, Dr. Coon will tint the composite resin to precisely match the color of your surrounding teeth. Then, he will apply the resin, expertly sculpt it to correct your smile flaw, as well as blend it in with your natural tooth structure and overall appearance, set your restoration with a safe, yet powerful curing light, and then shine and polish your new tooth to look 100 percent natural. (more…)

Tooth Trouble for Teens

You face many difficulties during your teenage years. Social struggles and body changes can alter your dental care and health. Drs. Donald, Justin, and Cody Coon can help keep your smile healthy throughout all stages of life.

Social Behaviors

Teenagers experiment with different habits in the hopes of “fitting in” or being socially accepted. Despite all the health warnings, many teens consider smoking. Smoking can cause stained teeth, bad breath, gum disease, and oral cancer. Older peers also encourage youth to experiment with alcohol, which contributes to dry mouth and bad breath. Teenagers are always focused on the coolest fashions, and oral piercings are a common fashion misconception. Tongue and lip piercings can cause oral swelling, infection, and chipped teeth. Furthermore, as their bodies change, many teenagers develop unhealthy eating patterns and eating disorders. Bulimia and other purging disorders can cause enamel erosion, stained teeth, and halitosis.


“Where Can I Get Veneers in Sheridan, Wyoming?”

You have probably heard about porcelain veneers in the news. Maybe you heard that a celebrity or famous person you admire got their nearly perfect smile from cosmetic dentistry. With widespread availability and financing methods, many more people are able to afford and receive procedures than ever before. Cosmetic dental procedures are for everyday people, too!

What are Veneers?

Basically, veneers are thin wafer-like coverings that fit over your teeth. They can hide a wide range of imperfections such as gaps, crowding, misalignment, and permanent stains. Many patients believe that they look and feel like real teeth.

Who are the Best Candidates for the Procedure?

Candidates for veneers have multiple problem areas with their smile they want to correct. Ultimately, it is best that our team at Grinnell Street Dental provide you with a consultation and our assessment of which cosmetic dental procedures we feel are best for you. (more…)

So You Think You Know Mouthwash?

In the past couple of months, we have shown you how you can use your old toothbrushes in different ways and additional ways you can use your floss as well. Today we want to ask you some questions. Did you know that you can use sugar-free mouthwash in many other ways besides cleaning your mouth? We have put together a short quiz to test your mouthwash knowledge.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Mouthwash.
1.  How can mouthwash affect your hair?

a.  Make it grow faster

b.  Treat dandruff

c.  Make your hair fall out

2.  Which of the following can mouthwash mask?

a.  Carpet stains

b.  Smoke damage

c.  Underarm smells

3.  How much mouthwash would it take to clean your toilet?

a.  ¼ cup?

b.  2 cups?

c.  An entire bottle

4.  True or False? Mouthwash used to be an antiseptic to prevent infections.

a.  True

b.  False
