Imagine you are going to see your dentist about a cavity. Do you know what will come of that treatment? How will your dentist care for your tooth? The answer is partly dependent on how long you waited for help, and how much the cavity has grown. A cavity forms over time, the consequence of persistent harm inflicted on your enamel by oral bacteria. Those bacteria release acids in the process of digesting sugars they consume. While your enamel can recover from smaller damage, a cavity will continue to spread until it is removed. If the cavity is smaller when it is caught and treated, your tooth may be repairable with a dental filling. If a filling is not seen as suitable, your dentist can use a dental crown to restore your tooth. (more…)
Grinding Your Teeth At Night Can Lead To Dental Damage
When you wake up in the morning, you should feel refreshed. If you are dealing with bruxism, you may be more likely to wake up feeling pain. People with bruxism tend to grind their teeth while they sleep, which means potentially awakening to soreness in their teeth, face, and jaw. While this can be enough of a problem on its own to motivate people to seek treatment for bruxism, you should know that grinding your teeth can do real dental damage. Bruxism is commonly associated with problems with your temporomandibular joints (more commonly known as TMJs). Your dentist can help manage TMJ problems, and bring your teeth grinding under control. (more…)
How Your Dentist Can Eliminate A Gap In Your Smile
Straightening teeth typically takes the work of an orthodontist. However, some people have minor alignment issues that your dentist may be able to treat. If you qualify, you can have discreet, effective cosmetic dental work that targets problems like spacing between teeth. Invisalign is a popular technique for accomplishing this. If the adjustment you need is relatively minor, a sequence of Invisalign aligners can move your teeth, and eventually close the gap. If you are interested in a more immediate solution, you may be interested in the benefits of having porcelain veneers placed. Dental bonding can also work to hide a gap between two teeth. (more…)
3 Reasons To Take Tooth Loss Seriously
Tooth loss can complicate your oral health, and disrupt your ability to chew, speak, and eat the way you are used to. You could lose a tooth after an accident, or because of an untreated cavity, though the most common reason an adult suffers tooth loss is from complications of advanced gum disease. Regardless of what caused your tooth loss, you should know that prosthetic dental options, like a dental bridge, can help you recover your smile. You can even effectively address the loss of your tooth root by receiving a dental implant. (more…)
Do You Put Off Dental Visits?
What you do for your teeth between dental visits can have a significant influence on how healthy your teeth stay. With that being said, at-home care does not do enough for your oral health to replace checkups with your dentist. One reason these checkups are important is that your dentist can find a small problem, and put a stop to it before you have a big problem. For instance, a cavity will grow over time. If it is caught early, you can spare more of your tooth from being affected by decay, and a composite resin filling can replace what was lost. However, if it is not found in time, and continues to grow, a more involved treatment method can be required. (more…)
A CEREC Crown Can Mean Dental Relief In Less Time
It would be hard to find anyone who wishes it would take more time to resolve a dental problem. In cases where a person needs more advanced restorative work done, a dental crown is commonly required to protect the problem tooth. In the past, you would have to wait until the crown was developed to have it placed, but CEREC makes it possible for you to have your dental crown in one visit. This is thanks to technology that enables your dentist to take necessary measurements, have a porcelain crown constructed with equipment in the office, and place the crown on your tooth over one appointment. (more…)
How Different Beverages Can Affect Your Oral Health
Do you put much thought into how your drink will affect your teeth? While beverages do not require the biting and chewing of solid food, they can still impact your oral health in different ways. If you tend to drink items with more sugar, it could lead to a cavity, and leave you seeing your dentist for a filling. Drinking darker beverages may affect how your teeth look. You should remember that these things can be enjoyed in moderation. When you are smart about how much you consume, and take care of your teeth effectively, you face a lower risk of these items causing real problems. (more…)
Cosmetic Dentistry Can Target Minor Dental Flaws
There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve your smile – if there is something about yours that makes you feel self-conscious, speak with your dentist about it. The field of cosmetic dentistry is driven by the goal of helping people feel more confident, and happier with how they look. You may find yourself one procedure away from eliminating something that has long troubled you. Several treatments could be beneficial for you. If you want a smile that looks brighter and whiter, it can be gained through a cosmetic whitening treatment. For physical flaws, more than one procedure exists to eliminate genetic as well as injury-based issues. (more…)
Pain Relief From Your Dentist
Trying to “grin and bear it” when it comes to tooth pain could leave you at the mercy of a worsening problem. You could have one of many excuses for failing to have a problem examined – you could have trouble dedicating time for a visit, or feel the problem is only temporary. What you should know is that there are real consequences to letting an issue go unchecked. The most immediate effect is having to spend more time in pain. If the discomfort is related to an endodontic problem (a problem within your tooth), putting off treatment could lead to permanent damage, and cost you your tooth. Pain does not have to be rooted in your tooth to qualify for dental treatment. Pain from TMJ problems, which your dentist can treat, can exist in your face, neck, and head. (more…)
Understanding Tooth Discoloration
What does it mean to say that there are different types of tooth discoloration? When it comes to whitening your teeth, distinguishing the two types can be important. A cosmetic whitening treatment is meant to address extrinsic stains. However, intrinsic stains will not show the kind of change you are looking for when you agree to this treatment. This form of discoloration can be solved with porcelain veneers, which completely mask the front of your teeth behind what appears to be flawless, white teeth. Alternatively, you could undergo dental bonding, a procedure where composite resin is bonded to your teeth. The resin’s color can be blended so that it will match with your other teeth. (more…)