Have you been ashamed of your smile lately because of a chipped tooth? Have you always been self-conscious about your discolored teeth and want to brighten them up? Are you tired of your crooked, misaligned teeth but don’t want to wear clunky metal braces? If you’re suffering from any of these or possibly other cosmetic issues with your teeth, then you should consider the benefits of cosmetic dentistry with your dentist. Your dentist can help give you a smile to be proud of. (more…)
Should I Get A Dental Crown Or Filling?
If you’ve developed a cavity or have a cracked or damaged tooth, you should consult with your dentist about getting a dental crown or filling. Both can accomplish the same goals but achieve them through different methods. Understanding the differences between each treatment can help you choose which will work best for you. Discussing these options with your dentist is the most important part but knowing what differentiates the two before your appointment can help give you better insight between fillings and dental crowns. (more…)
Ask Your Dentist About Teeth Whitening
The goal of routine dental treatment is to keep your smile healthy and free of dental diseases like tooth decay or gingivitis. Although your overall oral health is most important, feeling confident in your smile’s appearance is a large matter as well. Over time, your teeth might start to stain after years of exposure to colorful foods and beverages. Stains aren’t usually a big problem and erasing them is often easy as one visit with your dentist. If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your teeth, you should ask your dentist about teeth whitening during your next visit. (more…)
Can Medication Lead To Cavities?
As you age into your 60’s and onward, you can become more susceptible to cavities than you were just a few years before. Why is this? It could be a side effect of medications you’re taking. How can medication lead to cavities? The medications you might be taking for high blood pressure, cholesterol, depression, pain, or other ailments may cause dry mouth, which can help cause cavities. There are measures you can take to avoid dry mouth and developing cavities at a later age. (more…)
Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Smile
In this fast moving world, it’s important to slow down and take a breath. If you don’t find time to relax, it can begin to wear down your mental health. Your waning mental health can manifest itself in several different ways. Maybe you’ve noticed you’re always tired or sore for seemingly no reason. Stress can also affect your oral health. Don’t let stress ruin your smile. Being aware of the issues stress can cause on your smile can help you prevent your stress from harming your teeth. (more…)
How To Discreetly Straighten Your Smile
You lead a busy, fulfilling life filled with family, friends, and fun. You don’t want crooked teeth to keep you from smiling as big and brightly as you can. Besides that, you don’t want malocclusion to disrupt the quality of your bite and do damage to your teeth over time. Braces seem like they’re the only option, but big, clunky metal brackets are the last thing you want to deal with. Thankfully, your dentist can offer you a solution to discreetly straighten your smile. (more…)
Use Dental Crowns To Restore Your Smile
Our teeth are extremely vital to our everyday life. They chew up our food up so our bodies can more easily swallow and digest it, they help us enunciate words, support our faces structures, and when they look good, we look good. We want to make sure we protect our smile and take care of it when it’s been infected or damaged. When a tooth has been fractured or is beginning to decay, your dentist can use dental crowns to restore your smile. (more…)
Cold Sores A Problem No More!
Cold sores, also known as fever blisters, are a problem that all of us have to deal with at some point. They occur whenever the herpes simplex virus enters a break in the skin around the mouth, causing blisters to form. They can spread several different ways including infected fluid on eating utensils, kissing, or razors. Cold sores can be painful, itchy, and embarrassing for the person suffering from them. You don’t have to suffer through the process of waiting them out, visit your dentist and make cold sores a problem no more! (more…)
Know Your Cosmetic Dental Treatment Options
Your preconceived ideas of cosmetic dentistry can prevent you from moving forward with a treatment that can have a terrific effect on your smile. You may think there is no way cosmetic work can help you. You might be concerned that the outcome will have an unnatural look. When you bring these issues up with your dentist, they can help you understand how to enjoy an outcome that excites you. For instance, porcelain veneers can make big changes to a person’s smile, but they can do so without having a pronounced or obvious effect. This is due to their construction, as they are made to closely mimic your enamel – they can even reflect light like your teeth! Preparatory work will ensure that they fit properly, and do not have a distracting “protruding” effect. (more…)
Quiz: What To Expect From Your Dental Restoration
After a cavity is removed, your dentist needs to make sure your tooth does not lose its ability to withstand biting and chewing pressures. Unfortunately, enamel damage caused by decay is permanent. However, a dental filling will cover the lost material – the composite resin material used to make your filling will be a good visual match for your enamel, and you can avoid functional difficulties. If you need more advanced support, or you need protection for a tooth that is damaged in an injury, they can place a dental crown on the tooth in question. (more…)