Category: Preventive Dentistry

Dealing with a Knocked Out Tooth

There’s no doubt about it that when one of your teeth becomes completely detached at the roots, the experience is shocking and upsetting. You might think there’s nothing your dentist can do to help you save your natural tooth. Fortunately, quick action and a little luck provide the possibility that your knocked out tooth can… Read more »

Mouthwash for Better Oral Health

Many people view mouthwash as a personal choice or a now and then thing. Dental professionals tend to have varying opinions about whether or not mouthwash will actually improve dental health. The truth is, just as with any products in American, there are good mouthwashes and bad ones. How do you know which one is… Read more »

Don’t Throw Away your Used Toothbrush

The ADA (American Dental Association) recommends that you replace your used toothbrush (or electric toothbrush head) every three to four months, or sooner. Over the years, that adds up to quite a few toothbrushes tossed away. Is there any way to stretch out the life of your used toothbrushes so they don’t go completely to… Read more »

The Importance of Saliva Production in your Mouth

Spitting is considered to be a fairly disgusting habit, but it’s also second nature. While you may not want to see someone spitting out in public, don’t forget that you spit every single day – when you brush your teeth. When you go in for your biannual dental checkup, you are usually asked to spit… Read more »

Fluoride Facts for Parents and Children

Fluoride is a well-known as a preventive tool in dental hygiene. Infused into daily-use products like toothpaste and mouthwash, fluoride strengthens teeth and protects against cavities. Sheridan family dentist, Dr. Donald Coon, can offer you valuable information about the compound that helps keep you and your family’s teeth healthy: fluoride. All About Fluoride Fluoride is a… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist Discusses Safety of Fillings

Silver amalgam fillings have been adhered to cavities in people’s teeth for over 150 years. Many dentists and patients have moved on to tooth-colored materials for aesthetic reasons, and concerns of an impact on environment and health from amalgam’s chief ingredient of mercury. There are still hundreds of millions of people with amalgam fillings, according… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist: 38 Percent of Children Grind Their Teeth

Have you ever heard the sound of teeth grinding against one another? It can be disturbing, especially if the teeth in question are part of a smile you adore. But did you know that children rarely receive treatment for bruxism (teeth grinding)? It’s not an oversight either. Below, your Sheridan dentist, Dr. Coon, explains why… Read more »

Dental Cleanings in Sheridan: More Important than You May Know

While most people are aware that brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day is vital to keeping your smile clean, but how often do you visit your dentist for a regular dental checkup and cleaning? Your daily hygiene ritual is fairly simple and can be practiced in a matter of minutes every day, but… Read more »

How Deep Should Your Dental Cleaning Go?

How often do you brush and floss your teeth? If you answered at least twice a day (and we hope you did), then you’re on the right track to keeping your smile healthy and clean. Yet, however effective your daily hygiene routine is, it is not enough to stave off dental disease and protect your… Read more »

Sheridan Dentist Connects Gum Disease to Arthritis

Brushing and flossing your teeth are considered not negotiable if you want to have the best oral hygiene. Floss reaches the areas between teeth where the bristles of a toothbrush can’t fit. However, brushing twice a day, and flossing every day, is often neglected by people who are busy, tired, or just can’t seem to… Read more »