Schedule Your Next Biannual Checkup!

biannual checkup sheridan wyWhen was the date of your last checkup and cleaning at the dentist? If you are having a tough time trying to remember, then talk to your dentist about coming in for a visit. They can help you to experience a fresher smile through a cleaning of the surface of your teeth and along your gumline. Your oral health provider is also a great resource, and this is your opportunity to meet with them one-on-one to discuss any changes that you would like to see moving forward.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we know the value of quality prevention. We are here for our community, providing preventive care to help you avoid problems before they have a chance to occur. If you are ready to schedule your next appointment, do it with a trusted, local team that is dedicated to your dentistry. To find out more or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today!


Dental Crowns In A Single Visit

cerec dental crowns sheridan wyIf you have recently cracked or broken one of your natural teeth, then it is time to talk to your dentist about finding repair. Traditionally, that means coming for a visit for an examination, fitting, and then a later date for seating your dental crown. With CEREC crowns, however, you can shorten your time, giving you a simpler experience while renewing your smile. Dental crowns are easier than ever with CEREC technology, and it all starts with a call to your dentist.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we understand the importance of keeping a quality smile. We also know that sometimes, that takes a little effort, and a broken tooth is not something to ignore. While you wait, bacterial infection can begin deep within your tooth, putting you at risk of a seriously nagging toothache or worse. Bacterial growth can continue into the bone tissue of your jaw, so it is imperative to talk to your dentist about repair. We are here to help, so when you are ready to discuss restoration, call our office today!


Discover Your Cosmetic Dental Options

cosmetic dental sheridan wyWhen you look in the mirror, are you entirely happy with what you see? For many Americans, smiling to take a photo can be a tough experience due to cosmetic dental concerns like misalignment or enamel staining. Thankfully, for both of these conditions, there are ways to improve appearance while also keeping an eye on the strength of your oral health. By working with a trusted dentist to accomplish your smile enhancement, you give yourself the opportunity to refresh your look and your feel at the same time.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we know the advantages of having an attractive smile. We also understand that achieving the look that you desire can sometimes take a little effort. That’s why we offer a range of cosmetic dental possibilities, all intended to help you show off your smile to the world. From simple, at-home cosmetic teeth whitening to more comprehensive veneers and bonding, our team is ready to help you love your teeth.

To find out more about us, or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!


Time For Your Fall Checkup?

fall checkup sheridan wiTaking care of your smile is a real part of your healthcare maintenance, and that means that if you have been putting off your visits to the dentist, you are doing yourself a disservice. While you wait, bacterial buildup can start, leaving you at risk of common dental problems like tooth decay and periodontal disease. The simple fact of the matter is that you cannot do it all yourself, even with a dedication to your brushing and flossing. So, if it has been longer than six months since your last visit, make the effort and come in for your fall checkup.

With the helpful dental team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, you can keep an eye on your smile. We know that prevention is key in the world of dentistry, and we want you to avoid common oral health conditions before they have a change to start. That takes strict adherence to your schedule of biannual checkups, and we are here to help you keep to your timeline. To find out more about us or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today!


Why Do You Need To Treat Cold Sores?


Sheridan, WY, dentist offers treatment for cold sores

Fever blisters are blemishes that occur around your lips and mouth. These are caused by the herpes simplex virus HSV-1, which is spread through direct contact with someone else. An outbreak can occur when you are sick, have high stress, hormonal changes, or other changes. They may go away on their own within a few weeks, but laser therapy can help get rid of them in less time. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers laser treatment to help heal these blisters and prevent them from popping up in the same area. In today’s blog, we’re here to explain the benefits of targeting these blemishes!


Getting Started With Invisalign

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers Invisalign clear aligners

Having spacing problems throughout your smile can cause feelings of self-consciousness and can lead to oral health concerns. We understand that many patients may want to correct these issues, but do not want to use traditional braces to shift their teeth. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers Invisalign clear aligners that are more discreet that metal braces and may be a more convenient option for many patients.


Questions About Veneers? We Have Answers

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers veneers for patients

With so many cosmetic treatments available for patients, it can be challenging to decide on the best one for your specific needs. There are options to remove stains from your enamel, hide blemishes, and correct your smile’s misalignment. If you are interested in addressing several of these issues at once, porcelain veneers may be a helpful option. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, is here today to answer some of the most common questions about this treatment.


Bonding Can Conceal Stubborn Blemishes

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers cosmetic bonding and contouring

Having a bright, stain-free smile can help you feel confident and healthy. When you have stains on your teeth, you may want to remove these to create a more even and white grin. Unfortunately, some types of discoloration can be difficult to remove with whitening products. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers treatments like cosmetic bonding and veneers that can help disguise these difficult blemishes.


Teeth Whitening That Erases Your Stains

brighter smile teeth whitening sheridan wySometimes, something as simple as stained enamel can really hold you back. You use your smile each and every day to make positive conversation, and when something is off, other people can notice. And while there are many new over-the-counter products that you can find at your local drugstore, these treatments do not come with the experience of your local dentist. That can make all the difference in seeing results and limiting damage.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, Wyoming, we understand the importance of a beautiful smile and the frustration of battling enamel stains. Without the knowledge and experience of a dental professional, it’s easy to choose the wrong product or approach, potentially weakening your enamel. That’s why we offer personalized cosmetic teeth whitening solutions, tailored to your unique needs. Our team of skilled dentists will provide a thorough examination and cleaning to determine the best course of action, and whether you prefer professional in-office whitening or convenient at-home care, we’ll help you achieve the smile you deserve. Call our office today!
