Category: Teeth Whitening

Professional Whitening

Safe Steps to Whiter Teeth Your pearly whites inevitably lose luster over time. Using tobacco, as well as consuming dark foods and beverages, can discolor tooth enamel. Thanks to modern dental technology, our team at Grinnell Street Dental can renew your smile’s glow. We can consult with you on using over-the-counter products or in-office teeth… Read more »

The Risks of Excessive Tooth Bleaching

Most people want whiter teeth. Instead of waiting around for their at-home whitening products to work, they overuse the product to have a whiter smile faster. This may sound like a good idea in theory, but what are the risks of excessive bleaching? People who are obsessed with whitening their teeth, sometimes called “bleachorexics,” are… Read more »

Brighten Up Your Pearly Whites

If you had to guess what is the number one thing that people notice about you when first meeting you, what would you choose? It’s not your hair color or style, your clothing, or your body shape. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not your eyes.
Believe it or not, it’s your smile! A bright, healthy-looking smile gives off a stellar first impression. It is proven that people who smile a lot are thought to exude confidence, and statistics show that people with great smiles are more likely to have a quality, high-paying job, as well as a satisfactory personal life.
This is just one of the reasons we are dedicated to giving you a beautiful, healthy smile here at Grinnell Street Dental. We offer a variety of cosmetic procedures that can give you a new lease on a smile that has lost its luster.