Category: Dental Implants

Discover Dental Implant Technology

dental implant technology sheridan wy

If you’re struggling with your smile, take the time to talk to your dentist about your options. These days, there are more prosthodontic possibilities than ever before, including the placement of a biocompatible dental implant, which works alongside your body to create a stable and sturdy foundation for your smile repair. Implant technology is changing… Read more »

Dental Implants Offer A Smile Solution

dental implants sheridan wy

If you are having a tough time trying to smile, speak with your dentist about your options. Today, there are more prosthodontic possibilities than ever before, including the placement of biocompatible dental implants. With this option, patients are experiencing stronger smiles and a bite that they can trust, so when you are ready to make… Read more »

Dental Implants Provide A Strong Connection

Dental Implants Provide A Strong Connection sheridan wy

If you’re tired of struggling with your smile, talk to your dentist about making a change. These days, there are more options than ever before, including the placement of a biocompatible dental implant, which uses a threaded titanium post to provide a strong connection between bone and prosthetic. This choice is quickly becoming the most… Read more »

Lost A Tooth? Let’s Talk Dental Implants!

lost a tooth? sheridan wy

Your smile depends on balance in order to stay safe, and even one missing tooth can lead to further issues. That’s also not the only way that losing one or more of your natural teeth can hold you back. Other people pay attention to the quality of your smile, and when things don’t seem right,… Read more »

Recreate Your Smile With Dental Implants

In our last blog, we talked about how dental crowns can restore your smile if you have injured a tooth. This can be helpful for patients who have worn down their enamel or cracked a tooth. But what can be done if you have lost one of your pearly whites? The team at Grinnell Street… Read more »

Renew Your Smile With Dental Implants

dental implants sheridan wy

Your smile matters to you, and when it starts to fade, it can be a really tough thing to handle on your own. You depend on your teeth to chew the foods you love, so even one missing molar can make it more difficult to chew. It can also be harder to make connections with… Read more »

How Do Dental Implants Help?

dental implants sheridan wy

When you struggle with missing teeth, every day can be tough. You depend on your smile for every interaction that you make, and you need your teeth to be able to chew the foods that you love. If your smile is not at the level that you would like it to be, talk to your… Read more »

What Options Do You Have To Replace Lost Teeth?

When you lose one or more of your teeth, it can cause many problems for your smile’s function, appearance, and overall health. Luckily, advanced technology today allows many options to replace your missing pearly whites. The option used will depend on how the tooth was lost, your current oral health, personal needs, and other factors…. Read more »

Three Reasons To Get Dental Implants

Whether you have lost them due to an injury or a complication with your oral health, tooth loss is a concerning condition for adult patients. Leaving this gap in your smile can lead to problems with your speech, ability to chew, and more. The team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, offers several treatment… Read more »

The Many Benefits Of Dental Implants

When you experience tooth loss as an adult, you may wonder what your options are to address this problem. A prosthetic such as a dental bridge can replace up to three missing teeth in a row. Dental implants are another method that can be used to mimic your lost structures. In today’s blog, your Sheridan,… Read more »