Our Tooth-Colored Fillings Protect Your Smile

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers metal-free fillings

When you have a cavity, your dentist will likely recommend you schedule an appointment to fill it. This process involves removing the damaged part of your tooth and adding a new material to restore the area and protect it from further damage. Your Grinnell Street Dental team in Sheridan, WY, offers composite resin fillings instead of silver amalgam. In today’s blog, we’re here to discuss the benefits of this more safe and lifelike option.

The Purpose Of Dental Fillings

Tooth decay occurs when harmful bacteria accumulate in your mouth and turns into plaque. This plaque can then stick to your teeth and begin to wear away the enamel, which causes holes to form on the surface. These cavities can be prevented with a proper oral hygiene routine and biannual checkups, but you will likely have at least one cavity in your lifetime. When this happens, it’s important to have it treated with a filling as soon as possible to prevent the decay from worsening and wearing away more of your tooth’s layers. Without this restoration, the decay could continue to erode your enamel and enter the inner layers of your dental structure, which can cause discomfort and many oral health problems.

Composite Resin Offers Several Benefits

In the past, materials such as gold or silver amalgam were popular options for this restoration. Today though, many dentists opt for composite resin instead because it is safer and blends in more naturally. Composite resin uses biocompatible acrylic materials that are safer for patients and offer many more benefits. Metal fillings could contain mercury, which can be harmful if released into the body. This material also could wear away overtime, meaning it would need to be repeated in the future and did not hold up as well as other options. Composite resin can easily be bonded to many surfaces and does not require as much of your tooth to be removed. In addition to these benefits, it is safe for all patients and are highly durable. It can also be used to cover surface-level blemishes or minor damage with cosmetic bonding.

Don’t Put Off Treatment For Tooth Decay

When you come in for your biannual appointment, your dentist will look for signs of problems, including cavities. If a cavity is found, they will schedule a restoration as soon as possible to prevent the decay from worsening and harming your smile. Fillings may be included in a full mouth rehabilitation plan for patients with several needs to address.

Ask Us About This Restoration!

Nearly everyone will have a cavity at least once in their lifetime. When this happens to you, your team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, is here to restore your smile. Call our office at 307-672-7567 to schedule an appointment.