Stop Living With Dental Discoloration!

When you do nothing about teeth stains, or when you settle for a store bought treatment, you can continue to have doubts about the way you look. The longer you let the matter go without the appropriate response, the less time you have to show off your improved appearance! Your Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help with this concern. We can provide different options to those who want to make their teeth brighter. You can take on problems with your appearance by taking home a personalized teeth whitening kit, or you can visit with us to have a one-visit procedure to dramatically improve how you look!

How Comfortable Are You With The Color Of Your Smile?

Many people have doubts about their appearance that have grown over time. Your smile can grow dull because of your exposure to foods and drinks that cause discoloration by leaving teeth stains. Fighting these stains with a good oral hygiene routine an help, but you may not see the kinds of results that you want. Unless you want to live with a smile that is less flattering, you should talk to your dentist about what cosmetic dental work can do for you. It can take less time than you expect to make your smile noticeably brighter when you choose an in-office treatment. If you choose to address stains at home, we can provide the materials to ensure that your results are truly exciting!

We Offer Different Approaches For Care When You Want To Whiten Your Teeth

There is more than one way to tend to your issues with your smile color. Your options include taking home a customized treatment kit that will help you gradually brighten teeth through daily applications with potent bleaching agents. We can provide you with access to materials that will provide more improvements than you can see from a store bought product. Using them the recommended number of days will lead to a change of several shades! If you want to see those results sooner, you can have changes made after just a single appointment by arranging an in-office whitening procedure. This lets you have the improvements you want in time for an important event, even one that is happening in a short time. For patients who have something other than teeth stains to blame for their discoloration, we can discuss other services, such as the placement of porcelain veneers, to provide help.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Treating Discoloration

Dental discoloration is something that affects many people, but there are services that can help. We can offer support through both in-office and take-home whitening care! If you would like to find out more, reach out to Grinnell Street Dental at our location in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.