Cosmetic Bonding Can Treat Smiles In One Visit

sheridan bonding

Dental bonding is a cosmetic treatment that can improve smile beauty in only one visit, taking on more than just teeth stains! In fact, for some these can makeover a smile in one sitting, so you can smile with confidence. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about using cosmetic bonding to treat smiles.

The Dental Bonding Process

The bonding procedure can be completed in only one visit. The material we use is composite resin, a strong material that is biocompatible and bonds with your tooth. Since it contains no metal, this is safe for kids and adults alike. The placement process involves our team numbing your tooth so you’re comfortable as we remove any decay and clean the tooth, before we etch the outer surface. We then prepare the material by color matching it, and applying it to the tooth in several layers. We then sculpt and mold the tooth as the composite resin cures beneath a light. Finally, we polish it for a brighter appearance.

Dental Fillings

We don’t just use the material to address cosmetic concerns! In fact, we use this in our filings to provide a durable treatment for cavities, one that is safe for all ages and provides long lasting repair for the tooth. Treating tooth decay prevents infection and the risk of tooth loss, so you enjoy relief from a toothache and keep your smile whole and healthy.

Cosmetic Benefits

We can use the bonding procedure to repair cracked or chipped teeth, because otherwise even minor damage could increase the risk of tooth decay and dental infection. In one visit, we can repair minor damage and offer a lifelike appearance. The procedure can also mask the permanent teeth stains that may resist traditional teeth whitening solutions. We can also close embarrassing gaps between your teeth. If you have misshapen teeth, we can correct them, and the material can be used to improve bite balance and chewing function too.

Dental Contouring

In some cases, we could also contour the teeth in the same visit. With contouring, we sand and buff the outer structure to correct an array of issues, such as pits, grooves, and rough patches in the outer surfaces. We also dull sharp or jagged portions of teeth, and correct pointed teeth too. Contouring can address overly large teeth and correct the appearance of very minor chips too. If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk to Our Team About Improving Smile Beauty in One Visit

Our team wants to help you enjoy your best possible smile again. Reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567 to start your journey to a better smile.