The Benefits Of Dental Bonding

sheridan dental bonding

When you have chipped a tooth, or if you have more than one cosmetic concern with your smile, you may benefit from a minimally invasive treatment option. Dental bonding can repair teeth and offer a more attractive appearance in one visit! In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about cosmetic bonding and contouring, and how these treatments can transform your smile.

The Dangers of Damaged Teeth

When a tooth is cracked or chipped, even if the damage appears minor, this could still lave your tooth vulnerable to tooth decay or even infection. You should contact our team right away, as we can often use dental bonding to repair damage in a single visit. You should rinse with warm water and use cloth to stem the bleeding. A cold compress can control facial swelling until we can see you. You can take an over-the-counter pain reliever, and if possible, try to ring any pieces of your tooth with you.

Dental Bonding

Dental bonding actually employs the same material as our tooth-colored dental fillings. Composite resin is strong, durable, and biocompatible, so it bonds with your tooth and lasts for years to come. The material contains no metal and is safe for all ages. We color match it to bend with your smile seamlessly. The placement process involves numbing your tooth and etching the outer surface. We clean the tooth and then apply the material in several layers. As the composite resin cures beneath a light, our team will sculpt the tooth and then polish it for a brighter appearance. Cosmetic improvement is possible in only one visit!

Cosmetic Benefits

As we mentioned above, the procedure can be used to repair minor damage to improve both the health and beauty of your smile. But our team can also use the procedure to mask permanent teeth stains, close unsightly gaps between the teeth, and reshape malformed teeth too. The procedure can lengthen worn down structures as well. We could also contour the teeth, which involves sanding and buffing the outer structure to address pointed teeth, correct overly large teeth, improve bite balance, and also smooth out rough patches, grooves, and pits in the teeth.

If you have any questions about cosmetic dentistry, or about how we can offer major improvement in only one visit, then contact our team today to learn more. You deserve a smile that makes you feel confident, and with cosmetic dentistry we can make this possible!

Schedule A Consultation Today!

Our team offers cosmetic treatments to ensure you can smile with confidence for years to come. Reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567 to talk about our cosmetic treatment options, such as bonding, contouring, teeth whitening, and custom porcelain veneers.