How Bonding Offers Cosmetic Repair

sheridan dental bonding

When you have a chipped or cracked tooth, we could offer a cosmetic solution in only one visit. Dental bonding can repair your teeth and address a host of other cosmetic treatment options. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about how we fix these imperfections with bonding and contouring in one visit.

The Dangers of Damaged Teeth

When you have a chipped or fractured tooth, even if the damage appears minor, this could still expose sensitive inner tissues to harmful bacteria, which allows tooth decay and even dental infection to take place. Not only do your teeth begin to hurt, but you risk the loss of them due to an untreated infection or possibly an abscess. When you sustain damage, rinse with warm water and use cloth or gauze to stem the bleeding. An ice pack can control facial swelling. Try to recover any pieces and if possible, bring them with you to the office. Give us a call right to schedule a visit!

The Dental Bonding Procedure

Our team will take a close look at your tooth and then numb it to begin treatment. We start by cleaning it thoroughly and then gently etching the outer surfaces. Our team will apply the metal-free material, a composite resin that is also used in our tooth-colored dental fillings. We color match the material to ensure your new restorations will blend with the smile and offer a lifelike appearance. As we shape and sculpt your tooth, a special light is used to cure the composite resin. The last step in the bonding process is to polish the teeth for a brighter appearance and smoother finish. The entire process only takes one visit!

Other Cosmetic Improvements

Our team can employ dental bonding to mask piercement teeth stains, the type that may not respond to most teeth whitening treatment. We also repair chipped, cracked, and broken teeth as mentioned above, and can even close embarrassing gaps between your teeth. We could also reshape malformed teeth too and improve the overall balance of your smile. We could also contour the teeth in the same visit to smooth out grooves, pits, and rough patches, and to address overly large, sharp/pointed portions of structure, and to correct very minor checkups.

If you have any questions about our approach to cosmetic dentistry, or if you’re ready to receive dental bonding or contouring, then contact our team today to learn more. We would love to help you enjoy a beautiful and stunning smile in only one visit.

Speak With Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Cosmetic Treatment

At Grinnell Street Dental, we can rebuild and restore your teeth in one visit. To schedule an appointment, reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.