Treating Your TMJ Discomfort

sheridan tmj disorderTMJ disorder, often referred to as TMD, is a disorder that occurs when the jaw joints undergo excessive strain. The stress leads to discomfort, and could impact your long-term oral health. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about how we diagnose TMJ disorder and the comfortable treatment options we provide.

The Causes of TMJ Dysfunction

TMJ disorder happens when the joints connecting your jaw become stressed, which could occur due to issues like misalignment, tooth loss, injury, or complications with the growth of your smile or the eruption of your teeth. The disorder could impact how fully you open and close your mouth, and also cause a host of uncomfortable symptoms in your jaw and face. Which is why treatment is so essential for your overall oral health!

Warning Signs and Links to Bruxism

People with the disorder may report headaches, migraines, jaw and facial pain, or aches in the neck and shoulders. A popping or clicking sensation could occur too. For some, the disorder could also increase the risk for bruxism, or chronic teeth grinding. When you grind your teeth, the pressure on your teeth could crack or chip them, or wear them down. You’re now more vulnerable to tooth decay and infection, and could notice changes to your smile’s appearance. When you have persistent pain in and around your smile, then give us a call so we can conduct an examination and see which treatment option will be right for you. We could replace missing teeth with a prosthetic, correct misalignment with orthodontics, or even improve overall bite balance with bonding or custom crowns. But for many, we offer relief with a simple oral appliance.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Oral appliance therapy involves treatment with a device that looks and fits much like a simple mouthguard. When worn, this repositions the jaw to ease stress and strain, so you avoid painful symptoms. The appliance will be created based on the detailed images and measurements we take of your smile. The device is easy to clean, store, and use, and can offer relief and better oral health too. If you grind your teeth, this places a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further damage to your smile.

If you have any questions about how we treat issues like TMJ disorder or bruxism with oral appliances, then contact our team today. We want to help you smile with confidence again, so you can enjoy your best smile.

Talk to Our Team About Treating TMD

Our team wants to take action to address the jaw pain and headaches related to your bite imbalance and jaw joint strain. Reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567 when you need a solution!