Treating Your TMJ Disorder

sheridan tmj treatmentDo you have a popping sensation in your jaw or a chronic headache? Then you may be experiencing the warning signs of TMJ disorder. Without treatment, this common jaw joint concern could threaten your oral health. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist discusses our approach to TMJ treatment.

The Causes of TMD

TMJ disorder is a serious oral health issue that impacts the balance of your bite and could increase the risk of major oral health complications. The disorder could be brought on by issues like missing teeth, injury to the face or jaw, or complications with the growth of your jaw or the eruption of your teeth. Misalignment could be an issue too. The disorder could impact how fully you can open and close your mouth, and cause a range of uncomfortable symptoms to develop.

The Warning Signs of Trouble

People with the disorder may report a popping or clicking sensation in the jaw as we mentioned above, along with chronic headaches and migraines, jaw and facial pain, and aches in the neck and shoulders. When you experience one or more symptoms like these, then contact our team today to schedule a consultation and undergo a thorough diagnosis so we can pinpoint the cause and assess the severity of your TMD concerns. Our team can then offer treatment to repair damage and restore bite balance.

The Bruxism Link

The disorder could also be caused by bruxism or chronic teeth grinding. Likewise, chronic teeth grinding could lead to TMD due to strain on the jaw joints. Bruxism means you grind and clench your teeth on a daily basis, and the pressure could wear down outer structure and even crack or chip the teeth, leaving them vulnerable to tooth decay and infection. Symptoms could include the same discomfort as TMJ disorder, along with toothaches and tooth sensitivity too.

Oral Appliance Therapy

Our team often bring our patients relief for both disorders with an oral appliance. This invasive treatment option involves our team gathering detailed digital images of your teeth from multiple angles, using these images and measurements to design and fabricate a custom oral appliance. The finished product then fits like a mouthguard and is worn as you sleep at night. Once in place, this repositions the jaw to ease pressure and stop TMD-related symptoms. If you grind your teeth, then also place a barrier between the upper and lower sets of teeth to prevent further damage to your smile.

If you have any questions about diagnosing and treating TMJ disorder and bruxism, then contact our team today.

Schedule Your Next Visit Today!

Our team wants to help improve your bite function and protect you from serious disorders! Reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567 to schedule your consultation today.