TMJ Treatment Fights Jaw Joint Strain

sheridan tmj disorderWhen you have strained jaw joints, this could eventually lead to the onset of TMJ disorder. Without treatment, this disorder could cause painful symptoms and even impact how you open and close your mouth. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about fighting jaw joint strain with TMJ treatment.

The Dangers of Jaw Joint Strain

The joints that connect our jaw and skull control the movements necessary to eat and speak. But when they experience serious strain, this could complicate how we open and close our mouth, and also lead to a host of noticeable symptoms that further impact our daily life in a negative way. The strain could be caused by factors like stress, tooth loss, malocclusion, injury, or issues with the growth of the jaw or the eruption of the teeth.

The Warning Signs of TMD

How do you know if you have TMJ disorder and require treatment? Patients have reported chronic headaches and migraines, jaw and facial aches, and pain in the neck and shoulders. The disorder could also lead to teeth grinding, so tooth sensitivity and toothaches are possible too. People may also notice a popping or crackling sensation in the smile. Lack of treatment could mean these symptoms worsen in severity, and could lead to complications like tooth decay and infection. Don’t ignore these potential warning signs, instead give us a call so we can examine the teeth and make a diagnosis with precision and accuracy. We then create a treatment plan to address your TMD and offer relief!

Treatment for TMJ Concerns

For those with misalignment, we could use orthodontics to correct the position of the teeth and the overall bite balance. In addition, we could use dental prosthetics to correct tooth loss, or crowns/bonding to improve overall bite balance and ease stain. But the most common solution is the creation of a custom-made oral appliance. The device will look like a mouthguard and will be worn as you sleep at night. The device then repositions the smile, so you avoid painful symptoms. If you also grind your teeth, this puts a barrier between the upper and lower set to avoid further damage. We can also repair any damage, often in one visit using treatments like dental bonding.

If you have any questions about how we diagnose and treat serious concerns like TMJ disorder or bruxism (teeth grinding), then contact our team today to learn more.

Speak With Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About TMJ Treatment

Our team is eager to help you avoid discomfort and protect your oral health. To find out how we correct strain and stress on your joints, then reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.