Fight Gum Disease with Lasers

Grinnell Lasers

Gum disease can be quite aggressive and difficult to control. Thankfully the advancement of laser technology has made it more manageable to arrest. In this blog, your  Sheridan, WY, dentist explains the benefits of treating periodontal issues with lasers.

What Are Dental Lasers?

LASER is an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Basically, lasers use the energy of light to create a very narrow beam of radiation that can cut through a variety of substances with extreme precision. There are two main types of dental lasers: hard tissue lasers and soft tissue lasers. In this post, we are discussing soft tissue lasers for procedures involving the gums and other soft tissues within the mouth.

How Do They Treat Gum Disease?

Dental lasers are often used in the treatment of gum disease, also known as periodontal disease. They can remove inflamed gum tissue, plaque, and bacteria from around the teeth and gums, helping to eliminate infection and restore gum health. If you are a patient that consistently comes in with inflamed and bleeding gums, laser therapy may be an excellent option for reducing stubborn bacteria that could be hindering your healing process.

In cases of advanced periodontal disease, pockets can form between the teeth and gums. These deep areas provide a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. Dental lasers can be used to remove infected tissue and reduce the depth of these pockets, promoting gum reattachment and preventing further bone loss.

Create a More Pleasing Smile

Dental lasers can easily contour the gum tissue reducing a “gummy” smile. This involves reshaping the gums to create a more natural-looking gum line and improve the balance of the smile. They can shrink the blood vessels, resulting in minimal bleeding and faster healing after the procedure. Not to mention, if you have distracting dark spots on your gums, lasers can reduce pigmentation. This simple procedure results in a more uniform and aesthetically pleasing gum appearance.

Other Uses for Lasers

Lasers offer faster healing by shrinking cold sores, ulcers, or canker sores. Hard-tissue lasers can even be used for treating dental decay! Due to their extreme precision and ease of use, they are becoming a requested treatment for enhancing dental well-being.

Let Us Optimize Your Smile!

This cutting-edge technology offers several advantages in improving gum health, including precision, reduced bleeding, minimal discomfort, and faster healing time. However, it’s important to consult with a dental professional to determine if laser treatment is suitable for your specific gum condition. Reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567 to schedule your consultation today. We are excited to fight your gum disease with our dental lasers!