How Invisalign® Provides Clear Orthodontics

sheridan invisalignBraces are not the only option for correcting your smile! In fact, we could provide an option that is clear and comfortable, and takes less time to improve smile alignment. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist will talk about the process of correcting misalignment using clear and cozy Invisalign® aligners.

What Happens When We Have Uneven Smiles?

Did you know that uneven smiles threaten far more than just the appearance of our smiles? With crooked, crowded, and overlapping teeth, the risk of tooth decay and gum disease is often much higher, as is the risk of TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). This impacts the health and function of your smile. With orthodontics, we can correct the position of the teeth to avoid problems with your smile’s appearance, and to improve overall health and function too. Instead of traditional metal braces, we could offer clear Invisalign® aligners to offer a cosmetic approach!

Creating Aligners for Your Smile

The procedure involves wearing a series of plastic aligners, which fit gently over your teeth. Each step brings your smile closer and closer to optimal health and beauty. The key is the custom nature of these plastic aligners. Each one will be crafted based on detailed digital images we take of your smile from multiple angles. This offers a more accurate impression than one taken with traditional molds and gooey materials. In a lab setting, experts will use them to create your custom aligners from a clear and BPA-free plastic material. When they’re ready, you can start your journey to an even smile with practically invisible orthodontics!

Correcting Your Smile

How does treatment work? Well, our team will provide a set of plastic aligners that you wear for 20 to 22 hours a day, over a period of about one to two weeks. When you complete those two weeks, you start wearing the next set in the series and continue this process for about a year to 18 months in most cases. These are simple to wear and easy to clean and maintain. They can also be removed before you eat or prior to brushing and flossing, so your daily experience is much simpler compared to wearing braces.

If you have any questions about how our team can correct misalignment with a series of clear and comfortable cosmetic orthodontics, then contact our team today. We look forward to helping you obtain your best smile with the Invisalign® system!

Speak With Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Cosmetic Orthodontics

With our clear and comfortable plastic orthodontics, we can correct your uneven smile. To find out how we can provide an even and healthy smile, then reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.