Placing Dental Implants To Replace Lost Teeth

sheridan dental implants

When you have lost your natural teeth, this could mean major complications for your smile’s health, function, and beauty. To offer a replacement that lasts for decades for to come, we can place dental implants. In today’s blog, your Sheridan, WY, dentist talks about placing dental implants to address your missing teeth.

The Factors Behind Your Tooth Loss

Why do we lose our teeth, and what happens once we do? Missing teeth are possible due to a severe cavity or infection that doesn’t receive treatment. Teeth could fall out or require extraction to prevent the spread of infection. You could lose them to injury as well. The most common cause is periodontal disease, the advanced stage destroying the tissues connecting the teeth and gums. When we lose teeth, the gaps could allow surrounding teeth to drift from position, leading to misalignment. But imbalance and jaw joint strain due to lost teeth could lead to TMJ disorder and bruxism (teeth grinding). But the body suspending the flow of calcium and phosphates to the jawbone around the missing root is the most severe complication, as this could cause further tooth loss and an aged appearance. Fortunately, dental implants can prevent these complications from arising!

The Benefits For Your Smile

Each dental implant post is a small, screw-like post made from titanium. When inserted into the jawbone the body sees this biocompatible post as a natural root, which stimulates the growth of jawbone issue and prevents the loss of structure linked to worsening tooth loss. As a result, your new tooth could last for decades. Once the post bonds with the jawbone, known as osseointegration, we will attach an abutment and then connect a custom-made crown to the tooth. This completes the new tooth, so you have a replacement that looks and functions like a natural one, and can last for decades to come, possibly a lifetime!

Addressing Advanced Tooth Loss

Our team could also address more severe cases of tooth loss, inserting multiple posts per arch to ensure a dental bridge or even a full set of dentures firmly in place. These then last much longer than traditional prosthetics, and can be brushed and flossed like natural teeth, no need for removal for soaking. You now have a full smile with implant dentures. If you have any questions about addressing your tooth loss with one or more of our custom dental implants, then contact our team today to learn more.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Implant Dentistry

We want to help you smile with confidence by addressing your lost teeth with a durable and long-lasting solution. To find out how we offer lifelike replacement for missing teeth, then reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.