How Should Tooth Decay Be Treated?

Fighting cavities with both an effective oral hygiene routine and consistent dental checkups will help you avoid permanent damage to your tooth structure. Unfortunately, once a cavity has formed, its effect on your enamel will be irreversible, which is why treatment requires the placement of a dental filling or dental crown to protect your tooth. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is prepared to help you in a situation where you need this kind of support. Whether you require a filling or a crown, we can supply one that is able to closely match your tooth structure and preserve your appearance as well as your oral health. One matter to keep in mind is that when a cavity remains untreated, you are more likely to experience a problem with your tooth so serious that it may have to be extracted!

What To Expect When You Need Cavity Treatment

The formation of a cavity means a tooth will have permanent damage that must be addressed. To take it on, we can provide care with either a dental filling or dental crown. The decision to use one or the other is based on how much harm has already affected your enamel. Fillings make a more conservative treatment possible, but they are limited in how much damage they can address. For a larger cavity, a crown will cap your tooth. Our practice can provide lifelike results with both options. In the case of dental crowns, we can even save you time by using CEREC technology to produce your restoration in our office.

Placing A Dental Filling To Restore Your Unhealthy Tooth

A dental filling is applied to the area where your tooth had to be treated for a cavity. The material we use is a composite resin substance that actually imitates healthy enamel and bonds to it. The stability from the bonding process can ensure that your tooth remains safe from harm for many years. You can also appreciate how closely the material matches your enamel, as this will keep you from suffering an unsightly change to your appearance.

Taking On Advanced Decay By Placing A Crown

With CEREC technology, we can actually produce a dental crown that imitates your tooth’s shape, size, and appearance in just one appointment! This is because we can take care of every part of its design, creation, and placement at our practice. Digital imaging technology lets us capture detailed measurements before producing a design which creates a restoration that you can count on for lasting support.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Treating Tooth Decay!

Through the treatment of tooth decay with a lifelike restoration, we can provide important support for your smile as well as your oral health after you suffer a cavity. If you would like to find out more about how we can take care of you, please reach out to Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.