How We Treat Different Smile Flaws

How often do you find yourself trying not to smile? If you are afraid to show off your teeth in pictures or worry that something about your appearance will be perceived negatively, you are not alone. To address their concerns, many people will bring up these issues to their dentist when discussing cosmetic dentistry. At our Sheridan, WY dental practice, there are several services that we can offer to help you feel better about the way you look. We can take on a range of concerns that you might want to address. You may be surprised at just how much we can do—for example, we can actually use laser technology to help patients who are impacted by cold sores!

Taking On Embarrassing Dental Discoloration

Dental discoloration is a flaw that many people feel hurts their smile. It is often the consequence of accumulated teeth stains, which means it can be treated effectively with professional whitening agents. There are two different options for you if this is the recommended treatment approach. You can either take home a personalized kit that will help you fight discoloration at your convenience, or you can come in for a single-visit treatment that we provide. For people who have discoloration because of problems with their tooth structure, there are other approaches we can recommend, such as the placement of porcelain veneers, to keep these blemishes from causing further embarrassment.

Fixing Problems With Misshapen Or Damaged Teeth

Damaged or misshapen teeth can sometimes require the support of dental crowns, but these problems are often treatable with more conservative cosmetic solutions. Dental bonding services and porcelain veneers are both capable of hiding damages, concerns about spacing, and even problems with teeth that are not the right size.

Dealing With An Unsightly Cold Sore

When a cold sore erupts, your previous confidence in your smile can quickly disappear. Waiting for the problem to go away on its own can be frustrating, and it means leaving yourself vulnerable to an infection that can cause unwelcome complications. Through the use of laser technology, we have the means to attack the bacteria causing your sore to form. This procedure can be surprisingly comfortable, and it can ensure that you have less to worry about from the eruption of your sore.

Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About How Your Smile Flaws Can Be Treated!

Through the right approach to fixing your smile, our practice can give you a significant and welcome confidence boost. Whether you are worried about the eruption of a cold sore, want to fight embarrassing discoloration, or have concerns about tooth shape and size, we can help! If you would like more information, reach out to Grinnell Street Dental at our location in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.