When you schedule treatment to improve your smile, it can be hard not to feel some excitement. Cosmetic services are capable of taking on many different concerns about the way you look. One option for treatment involves the placement of porcelain veneers. When you plan treatment using these restorations, you can actually address multiple flaws at one time, and you can have those results in as little as two appointments. Our Sheridan, WY dentist’s office is happy to help you deal with the problems you have with the way you look by providing personalized veneers that help you address discoloration, problems with enamel wear and tear, damage, or teeth that appear misshapen.
Learn What Veneers Can Do To Improve Your Smile
People who look into treatment with porcelain veneers can have different priorities from treatment. What makes them so exciting as a treatment option is that you can actually take on several problems at one time, so they can make your goals for making improvements surprisingly attainable. In addition to offering multiple changes, you can rely on their durability to preserve those changes through the years.
How Treatment With Veneers Helps You Address Cosmetic Flaws
Veneers are capable of making meaningful changes while only modifying a limited portion of your tooth structure. Unlike dental crowns, which cover the entire structure above your gum line, your veneers will only have to cover the front surfaces. They are placed in the course of just two appointments—at the first visit, we provide preparatory work to make sure your veneers stay secure, and we take measurements to determine the shape and size of your restorations. At your second appointment, they will be permanently set in position to provide your desired smile changes.
What Else Can You Do To Change Your Appearance For The Better?
Because they can do so much for your smile, and because we can provide this service to give you lasting improvements, veneers can be an attractive treatment option. With that said, you can explore other options to make desirable changes. A tooth bonding procedure can target specific flaws through the application of a resin material that can permanently adhere to your enamel and hide flaws. You can also make an appointment to discuss treatment with clear aligners, which will help you target concerns about poor smile alignment.
Talk To Your Sheridan, WY Dentist About Treatment With Veneers
What makes the idea of porcelain veneers so exciting for people who want cosmetic work? With these restorations, we can help you show off a brighter, more symmetrical, and generally more attractive smile. The placement process is surprisingly conservative, as these restorations only cover portions of teeth. To find out more about these services and their benefits, please call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY at 307-672-7567.