Keep Up With Their Smiles

keep up with their smileYou know that you need to see the dentist, but are you sticking to your schedule as closely as you should? If you’ve been skipping your appointments for routine biannual checkups, you’re putting yourself at real risk of developing tooth decay and periodontal disease. The same could be said about your children, as they experience the same dental health problems as adults. With their development, they also have a few other things that could hold them back, so it’s important to keep them on the right track.

Here at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we know the value of oral health maintenance for patients of all ages. And even though your child might not love the idea of coming to see the dentist, they need to stick close to their provider as they age. We want them to achieve a happy and healthy smile, and that takes dedication to their dentistry.

Time for your next checkup? Talk to our team about bringing the whole family in!


Straighten Your Smile With Invisalign®

straighten your smile with Invisalign® sheridan wyDid you spend the holidays hiding your smile away? Posing for photos while you struggle with misalignment can really be tough. Thankfully, with Invisalign® clear aligner therapy, patients have the opportunity to achieve a straighter, more attractive smile, while avoiding the intrusion of traditional orthodontics. If you’ve been avoiding having a discussion with your dentist due to braces, ask about whether this innovative approach is right for you. Straighten your smile with a trusted, private orthodontic solution.

With our helpful dental professionals at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, you have a guide to your cosmetic possibilities. Alongside our teeth whitening treatments, porcelain veneers, and more, we also offer Invisalign® clear aligners, and we’re here to help you find your pathway forward. When it’s time to talk about improving your smile through cosmetic dentistry, take the time to speak with a trained oral health prover about whether clear aligners are your next step.

Straighten your smile. Find out more about Invisalign®.


Make A Great First Impression

make a great first impression sheridan wyWhen you meet someone for the first time, one of the first things that they notice is the quality of your smile. That means that if yours is not at the level that you’d like it to be, it’s time to talk to a local oral health professional about your cosmetic options. We have the tools, training, and technique to help you uplift your smile; it starts with a visit to our office for a checkup.

Ready to make a smile upgrade? Come see Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY. Our trusted local team is ready to help you achieve lasting oral health success while looking your best, and we offer a range of cosmetic services to help you reach your smile goals. From safe and effective teeth whitening that you can use right at home to more extensive renewal through porcelain veneers, our team wants to have a gorgeous smile.

Make a change. Make a great first impression with Grinnell Street Dental.


Spend Some Time With Your Dentist

Spend some time with your dentistDid you make oral health emphasis your New Year’s resolution? For many people, the start of the new year is a chance to make positive improvements to the way they do things, and this makes it a great time for a checkup. This way, you can kick off 2025 with a cleaner, fresher set of teeth, while fighting back against tooth decay, periodontal disease, and more. When you want to freshen up your smile, spend some time with your dentist!

Here at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we understand the value of having a quality smile. That’s why we work so hard to help members of our community to keep up with their oral health needs, and we’re here for you when you need us. One of the most important things you can do to keep your smile level high is sticking to your schedule of preventive care, and that means coming in for a checkup every six months.

Uplift your oral health. Call Grinnell Streel Dental today.


Break A Tooth? Call Our Office

break a tooth sheridan wyIf you managed to break or crack one of your natural teeth during the holidays, don’t beat yourself up too much over it. The Christmas break is a dangerous time for smiles, and that means that this is a common time to seek repairs. With all of the travel, stress, and lack of sleep, people are simply more likely to experience these issues at this time of the year. That doesn’t mean that it’s any less urgent, so when you break a tooth, take the time to talk to your dentist about your next steps.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we know the value of a strong, beautiful smile. That’s why we work so hard to help people in our community to maintain and improve their oral health. A cracked or broken tooth is a serious issue that can lead to infection, and we’re here to help with a range of restorative options, all designed to renew your smile.

If you’ve damaged your smile, don’t wait. Call Grinnell Street Dental today!


Enhance Your Look For The New Year

the new year sheridan wyThis time of the year, it’s your opportunity to take a look back at the successes and failures of the last one. It’s also your chance to make a positive improvement to your life; many people make New Year’s resolutions, and one of the most popular of these is to reach a stronger smile. If you’ve been thinking about ways to focus more on your oral health, a great place to start is with a trip to your dentist for a cleaning and examination. And while you’re there, be sure to ask about all of your options to enhance your appearance with cosmetic dentistry.

With our helpful dental team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, you have the opportunity to focus on your oral health, while taking steps to look your best. We have a range of cosmetic possibilities, designed to help you reach a fuller, more even set of teeth, so be sure to ask about your options at your next exam. From banishing stubborn enamel stains to achieving a full and beautiful smile, we’re here to help.

Ready to make a change? Give us a call today.


Uplift Your Oral Health In 2025

uplift your oral health sheridan wyNow that we’re finally past the holidays, it’s time to get back to work. It’s also a great time of the year to focus on your smile, so if you’ve made uplifting your oral health one of your New Year’s resolutions, start your journey with a visit to your dentist for a cleaning and examination. By using the beginning of the year as your guide, you can make sure that you stick to your schedule of prevention. And if it’s been a while since your last visit, this is your opportunity to get back on the right track.

Here at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we appreciate the opportunity to be a big part of your smile success. From your preventive biannual checkups to restoration, our team is here to help our community have strong oral health. We can also help you to look your best with quality cosmetic dentistry that continues to focus on your health needs. To find out more about us or to schedule your next appointment, give us a call today!


Your New Year’s Goal: A Healthier Smile!

If one of your goals for the next year is to finally address your damaged pearly whites or missing teeth, it may be a good idea to get started now. The process of restoring your smile can take several appointments, from a consultation to preparation and placement. Your team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, can create a full mouth rehabilitation (FMR) plan that can efficiently address all of the concerns you may have with your oral health. In today’s blog, we’re here to talk about what may be included in this treatment option.


Leave TMJ Problems In 2024

Sheridan, WY, dentist offers treatment for tmj

As we approach the end of the year, you may be planning on your goals for 2025. Your team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, is here to help you meet your oral health goals for the new year. We can help assess where your health is currently and create a plan to improve it throughout the year. In today’s blog, we’re here to discuss how we can help relieve your discomfort from TMJ dysfunction.


Keep Up With Your Gum Health

your gum health sheridan wyYour smile is about more than just your teeth; while we certainly love them, you also need to take care of the rest of your mouth. In particular, gum health is something that you need to consistently work towards, as the same plaque and tartar accumulation that causes tooth decay can also pose problems. Unchecked bacterial buildup can lead to gingivitis and even periodontal disease. Sticking to your schedule of checkups is a great way to avoid these issues, so be sure to keep up with your appointments.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we appreciate the opportunity to be a part of your smile success story. From your biannual checkups to elegant restoration, we are here to help members of our community to achieve lasting oral health, and we want to help you to love your smile. If you have started to notice a shift in your gumline, take the time to talk to our team about ways to fight back against infection by keeping your smile free of plaque and tartar buildup. Give us a call today to schedule an appointment!
