Focus On Finding Healthy Gums

healhy gums sheridan wyYour teeth do a lot of work for you, and they can’t do it all on their own. They need the help of healthy gums, and if you’re not paying attention to their needs, then you’re putting your entire smile at risk. You see, periodontal disease is readily identified as the leading cause of adult tooth loss in this country, and making the wrong moves when it comes to your gums can mean major changes. So, if you’ve noticed a shift in your gumline, start your journey with a trusted name in local dental care.

When you come see Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, you’ve got a determined oral health team that’s ready to help you experience a stronger smile. We know that without healthy gums, it can be tough to keep your teeth safe, and that’s why we’re so supportive of your choice to come back to the dentist and renew your maintenance emphasis. With dedicated periodontal services, we work to keep your smile cleaner at and below the gumline, helping you to fight back against plaque and tartar buildup, wherever it happens.

Your Gums Play A Big Role In Your Overall Oral Health

When you think of your smile, you probably focus on your teeth; that’s OK, it’s what comes to mind for most people. But it’s important to remember that they are not the only things within your mouth, and when you only focus on caring for your teeth, you can ignore some other areas that need your attention. And when you do, it could spell real problems for your smile’s appearance and its function.

Bacteria are always within your mouth, trying to cause trouble. They leave behind a biofilm called plaque, and if it remains for a period of time (usually anywhere from 24-48 hours), it calcifies into a tougher material known as tartar. Plaque and tartar buildup leads to tooth decay, and it also causes periodontal disease, which puts your teeth at serious risk.

Fight Back Against Bacterial Buildup With Dedicated Periodontal Services

How long has it been since your last biannual checkup? For most people, like the name suggests, the goal is to come in for these twice each year, and these visits are vital to your oral health success. At these visits, you receive both a thorough cleaning and an examination, making them the perfect time to have a chat about achieving healthy gums.

If your dentist recommends dedicated periodontal services, see how keeping a cleaner smile can help. With ultrasonic scaling and root planing, you can be free of plaque and tartar buildup not only at the gumline, but below it, as well. This can be a real help when fighting back against bacterial buildup.

Find Your Healthy Gums With Grinnell Street Dental

When it’s time to talk about improving your oral health, start with your next checkup. To find out more about achieving healthy gums through scaling and root planing, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY today at (307) 672-7567.