Reaching Smile Restoration

smile restoration sheridan wyWhen you break a tooth, it can feel like the whole world stops spinning for a moment. But there are real risks that come with a cracked or broken tooth, so make sure that you talk to your dentist quickly after experiencing damage. While you wait, bacteria can make their way into the more vulnerable areas within, causing an infection that can come with a nasty toothache. Taking the time to meet with your provider can help you to find your smile restoration before that happens.

At Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, we know that your smile is a huge part of who you are. That’s why we put forth such an effort in helping you keep yours safe. If you’ve recently broken or cracked one of your natural teeth, come stop on in for a checkup to determine the extent of your injury and make a plan.

Find your smile restoration. Call Grinnell Street Dental today.

Your Tooth Is In Danger Once It’s Damaged

Breaking a tooth is never the most fun way to spend a day; but when it happens, you need to be ready. And just because it doesn’t immediately cause you any pain, you still need to talk to your dentist about your smile restoration options. A cracked or chipped tooth might not feel like the most pressing issue, but these situations can cause problems, as well.

Once you lose the protection of your natural enamel, bacteria can make their way into the affected tooth. Eventually, they reach the nerve inside, causing a painful toothache that will not go away without assistance from your dentist. That can come in the form of a root canal procedure or even an extraction, so it’s important to talk to your dentist quickly after experiencing damage. They can help you to avoid further deterioration due to bacterial growth.

Finding Your Smile Restoration

When you come in to see your dentist after breaking or cracking a tooth, your oral health team will want to take a look at what’s happened. During your examination, be sure to ask questions; we’re here to help. If tooth decay was a contributing factor to your damage, we can help you to improve your prevention to stay safer in the future.

Your dentist may recommend a dental crown to renew your affected tooth, either with or without a root canal procedure. Talk to your dentist about the materials used in your dental crown, as you have options. Some of these even blend in with the shade of your natural smile!

Move Forward With Grinnell Street

If you’ve recently cracked or broken a tooth, take the time to find your way to smile restoration. To learn more or to schedule your appointment, call Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY today at (307) 672-7567.