Time For Your Fall Checkup?

fall checkup sheridan wiTaking care of your smile is a real part of your healthcare maintenance, and that means that if you have been putting off your visits to the dentist, you are doing yourself a disservice. While you wait, bacterial buildup can start, leaving you at risk of common dental problems like tooth decay and periodontal disease. The simple fact of the matter is that you cannot do it all yourself, even with a dedication to your brushing and flossing. So, if it has been longer than six months since your last visit, make the effort and come in for your fall checkup.

With the helpful dental team at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY, you can keep an eye on your smile. We know that prevention is key in the world of dentistry, and we want you to avoid common oral health conditions before they have a change to start. That takes strict adherence to your schedule of biannual checkups, and we are here to help you keep to your timeline. To find out more about us or to schedule an appointment, give us a call today!

You Cannot Handle Your Smile Maintenance All By Yourself

While we appreciate your focus on your brushing, it is not enough to avoid tooth decay and periodontal disease. You need to take the time twice each day to brush away plaque, but you also need to make routine appointments at the dentist. This is due to a variety of reasons, including the fact that it can be tough to make sure you are putting enough effort into your routine oral health hygiene. There may be places where you miss, and in these spots, plaque can start to build up.

If plaque remains on the surface of your teeth for a period of time, it calcifies into a harder material known as tartar. At that point, it can no longer be safely removed through brushing and flossing alone. During your biannual checkup and cleaning, you can have the help of a trained dental hygienist in keeping your smile safe.

Take The Opportunity To Chat With Your Dentist

At your appointment, there are a few different steps to the process. You will receive advanced imagery to help your dentist to understand where you currently are, as well as how to improve and maintain your oral health. It is also your chance to speak one-on-one with a trusted dental professional. Take this chance to learn a little bit more about how to keep your smile at a high level. It can also be a great jumping off point to discuss further treatment, including cosmetic teeth whitening.

Schedule Your Fall Checkup Today!

Is it time for your next examination and cleaning? To schedule your fall checkup, or to ask any questions about our office, give us a call today. Reach us at Grinnell Street Dental in Sheridan, WY today at (307) 672-7567!